Back in town

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He really didn't want this.

Truly, he wished he didn't have to do this.

But after hearing his parents beg him for the thousandth time, he gave in

The drive was long and exhausting, the faint sound of the radio keeping him sane as the trees blurred in his peripheral view.

He sighed, checking the time and seeing it was almost noon. He should be there soon, but his gut was screaming at him to turn around and forget about this entirely.

His parents didn't know he was driving into town, his brother didn't know either, so he could very easily just go back and forget this ever happened.

But that wasn't fair.

He just couldn't bring himself to give in to that same selfishness that drove him away from Faraway all those years ago, he had to go back. If not for himself, then for the people he abandoned when he left. Apart from Kel, he hadn't spoken a word to any of them in four years. Sure, he would occasionally hear Sunny in the background of calls but he never directly spoke to the kid.

Speaking of kids, apparently he had a younger sister now too. Sally. His mom had sent him photos of her, she was the sweetest little thing and looked very similar to how Kel did when he was still a baby.

He was shaking a bit as he pulled into the driveway, hearing Hector start barking already. Slowly, he got out of the car and knocked on the front door. His mom slowly opened it, looking confused before instantly having the biggest smile on her face and wrapping her arms tightly around him.

Her hugs always felt like they were turning his bones to dust, but he laughed off the slight pain as his dad walked over as well.

"I-it's nice to see you to mom! How've you guys been?", he tried to make small talk, being still nervous at being face to face with them after all this time.

"Oh we've been alright! Now, come in! Your brother should be home soon, I can't wait to see his face when he sees you again!", his mom was practically shaking with joy and excitement as he laughed softly and walked in.

He saw a baby in a high chair, having a mess of smushed foods in front of her. She looked up at him and gave a small giggle, babbling excitedly as his dad chuckled.

"Looks like little Sally recognizes you by your voice alone!", his dad smiled at him as he gently picked her up,

"Would you like to hold her Henry?"

"A-ah are you sure dad? You remember what happened when I held Kel for the first time", the brunette awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, laughing nervously as the memory played in his mind of Kel wriggling in his arms and crying loudly. His mom let out a small laugh at the memory, his dad smiling at him. He looked to Sally, her innocent brown eyes staring at him full of curiosity and her tiny hands reaching towards him as he very gently scooped her into his arms. The second he did, she giggled and clapped her hands very happily while making small gurgling sounds.

"She's a lot calmer than Kel was, that's for sure.", his dad jokingly stated as Hero smiled brightly at how joyful she was.

He hadn't smiled like this in a long time.

The pure innocence in her eyes, the adoration she had for his family, the way she let out those small adorable giggles, he just loved her so much already.

Lost in his thoughts, he barely heard the knock at the front door as he sat on the couch to entertain his baby sister.

He heard quiet chatting and thought nothing of it, continuing to bounce Sally gently on his knee.

He felt Sally be gently lifted from his arms and, as he was about to look up in confusion, was tackled by a blur of orange.

"OH MY GOD HERO!!! YOURE HOME!!!", Kel's voice boomed as pure excitement laced every word, his arms wrapped tightly around his older brother and his face beaming with joy. Hero couldn't help but laugh and hug his brother back, the warmth of the hug almost making him tear up as he thought of how much he missed his little brother.

"You didn't tell me you were coming home!!! I would've made you something or planned something or-", Kel began to nervously play with his hands as Hero gently lay a hand on his shoulder and smiled that charming smile he got from his dad to him,

"Kel. I wanted to surprise you! Of course I wouldn't have told you silly! It wouldn't have been a surprise otherwise!", in response, Kel simply hugged him tightly again before dragging him towards the door.

"Ok I know I'm excited to see you BUT Sunny's here too!!! You have to say hi to him!", he could hear the love Kel held for Sunny just from those few words alone, the way his eyes lit up when talking about him, the way his cheeks reddened slightly. It was so pure.

It reminded him of..

How he used to be.

How he and Mari were.

That innocent, carefree love.

He paused for a second as Kel looked back at him, obviously confused, before seeing a small tear roll down his face. Immediately, his face shifted to one of concern,

"H-hey hey! What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?", Kel rushed over to comfort his older brother who simply waved him off,

"N-no you didn't do anything wrong Kel. J-just.. thinking of how you and Sunny.. it just reminds me of her.. of Mari.."

Kel's face fell for a second before he slowly and tentatively smiled again,

"Hey, you know she's still with you right? She's always gonna be there with you, in your heart and in your memories. She still loves you Henry." Kel never used Hero's name unless he was being serious, and as his finger gingerly brushed away the lone tear, Hero could see the care in his eyes.

"Y'know Kel? You're the best brother I could ever ask for.", their mom awed at the sight, making both boys instantly embarrassed before walking over to the door.

There he stood.


He honestly didn't look too different other than the eyebags, slight height change, and smaller figure.

The way his eyes stared at his feet, his hand rubbing his arm nervously, him shifting his balance.

It was the same Sunny he hung out with as a kid.

"H-hey Sunny, it's nice to see you again", he cringed at how awkward he sounded but smiled at Sunny as he looked up.

"Sunshine here was just coming with me to ask mom if I could stay the night at his house, do you want to come over too?", Hero laughed a bit but shook his head,

"I just got home, I'm sure mom and dad want me to stay here the first night. But maybe tomorrow alright?" He simply nodded in response before excitedly rushing out the door, dragging poor Sunny behind him.

He sighed softly before turning to his mom who spoke softly as Sally had fallen asleep in her arms,

"I'm so sorry to do this but I realized I forgot to pick up Sally's baby food today, do you mind running down to Othermart for me?", he immediately agreed, thinking some fresh air would be nice as he put his shoes back on and headed out the door.

So far, his first day back was going pretty well.

Sure, it was hard being where she died..

But it was nice to get a break from the business of college life!

He looked around at the trees and kids playing as he passed the park, remembering all the hours he would spend there with his friends growing up.

A part of him wished he never left.

But, with a sigh, he pushed that thought aside and continued on.

He was just about at the doors of Othermart when he heard a small gasp behind him and a voice call out,


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