Chapter 4: How NOT to suggest murder as a coping mechcanism

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You had spent another sleepless night buried in your journal. Just like the good old days. To be fair, that Grounder poison must have taken you out for at least a few solid hours, and it had honestly left you really refreshed. You weren't used to that much deep sleep at one time. You had a feeling it was jobi berries, and you were planning to get your hands on some more at your earliest convenience.

Unfortunately, your journal could have been more detailed. You had done your best to add in whatever you could as the memories came to you, but there was only so much you could cram onto a page, and the earlier writings from age 5 took up most of it. You had started the journals as soon as you had gotten enough control over your motor skills to be capable of writing anything legible (depending on your definition of legible. To be fair, you had a very nice print for a 5 year old.) That were at least 5 years since your original death and several more since you had actually watched the show. Over the years you had recalled more minor plot points and written them in the margins, but they were often one word, or a few to make up a phrase.

You still weren't even sure what you were going to do with all of this information. Who was going to believe you if you walked up to them and said, "Hey, so I know you don't really know me, but this is actually my second life and I know the future from my first, so you should listen to me."

Raven probably would have been your best shot, considering she was used to your shit and even if she didn't believe you, you could both just brush it off as your usual brand of dumb shit. Raven wasn't here, though. Yet. You thought she would be soon, but your order of events in these first few seasons were a bit more jumbled and you were a little busy trying to figure out the significance of "Charlotte" scrawled in the margins of your journal. It hadn't been in code; names were harder to convert.

Charlotte and the cliff. You remembered that much. You had awoken from a vivid nightmare of that scene a few years ago and scribbled the name down. But your dreams were fickle as everyone else's, and after so much time had passed to visuals had faded. Now, all you had left in your brain was the barest sketch of a plot-point. Why had she been at that cliff? You just couldn't remember to save your life. You didn't have more time to think about it, as the very man you were avoiding popped his head through the hatch in the floor.

"Clarke said you were good in Earth skills."

"Uhh..." Your first thought: how the fuck does Clarke know how I did in Earth skills? Your second: so what? It must have been written all over your face, but the only response you got was:

"Pack your shit, we're going hunting."

That statement reminded you of Regina George way too much and you waited until the hatch had popped closed again before you burst out laughing. Unfortunately, hunting was not going to be anything like shopping.

You grabbed a spare backpack from the corner, stuffed your journal and a water bottle and booked it down the ladder to the water station to fill it up. You had a feeling you were going to get more answers on your Charlotte conundrum by following one of the main plot-carriers anyway. Worst case scenario, you got no answers, but collected a shit-ton of plant fiber to make some rope. You really needed something for your hands to do in the early hours of the morning, since you definitely weren't sleeping.

You were quickly proven right, as Bellamy seemed to think it was a good idea to invite children out on a killing spree, a doubt you definitely voiced, and were definitely told to keep to yourself. You had concerns, and that was an understatement. Another name that was raising alarm bells: Atom.

He was not in your notebook, but not everything was, and you had a really bad feeling. Still, when the acid fog came, you prioritized the child. She was in your notebook, and it made you a little sick, but you grabbed her and you ran, Bellamy just behind you pointing out a cave. You ducked into it just as you heard him scream. Bellamy heard it, too. Neither of you went back for him.

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