Chapter 6: It's not a crisis if you've got your best friend

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Murphy still had not turned up by the next night and Bellamy was starting to take it out on everyone around him. It wasn't that he blamed them - you were sure he blamed himself - but he was on edge and it was everyone's problem now. When a ship trailed across the sky, he made it very obvious no one would be leaving before daylight.

Bullshit, you thought, and you watched him sneak out. Octavia was close behind. Damn these Blake siblings. You grabbed your bag, filling it with water, your journal, and some tools before booking it after them as quietly as possible.

After being shot by a Grounder, you weren't really looking to be out past dark, but you knew that ship carried your best friend and an army couldn't keep you away. You only caught up to the pair when they started arguing just before daybreak.

"Just go home!" Well, you didn't know if you would consider a dropship and some tentative homeade fencing home just yet, but to each their own.

You took a break from running. And bent over hands on your knees as you watched them argue from a distance. You didn't really wanna get involved in some sibling quarrel. You definitely snorted when Octavia called her brother a selfish dick. They were a bit busy to hear you.

"I shot him. I shot Jaha." You had definitely known that. You didn't really hold it against him. Jaha was a bigger selfish dick.

"I didn't ask you to do that!" Okay maybe it was time for you to step in. "I didn't ask from any of this."

Octavia turned around and you were finally noticed.

"What are you doing here?"

"At this particular moment, I'm catching my breath."

"Dude, seriously."

"Listen, I've gotta go check that out. I know a descent bit about dropships believe it or not. And i was gonna ask you to keep an eye on Charlotte before you booked it out of here, too, so there."

"Shit, yeah. I'll look after her."

"Thanks, Octavia."

She continued heading back towards camp and then it was just you and Bellamy.

"So now you know."

"Oh. That you shot Jaha. Yeah, I already knew that."

His eyes widened. "Got good sources in lock-up believe it or not. He's actually not dead, I don't think. Last I heard at least, before I boarded the dropship."

That was all a crock of shit, but you did know.

"Can we like keep moving, now. Cause I've got a descent idea who's on that ship and I've been waiting for a hot minute."

You walked together in silence. It wasn't really the comfortable kind, so you couldn't stop yourself from filling it.

"As much as we all would have appreciated Jaha dead, this might work to your advantage you know."


"Yeah. He's not actually dead. You've been doing your leader shit. Maybe you'll be pardoned."

He looked at you like you'd grown a second head.

"Okay." You laughed. "Worst-case scenario. He says no. You know the ground better. Book it before he gets down here."

"And how am I supposed to know if he's going to pardon me before he gets down here."

"That's what radios are for, smartass."

The sun peaked over the horizon and you could see smoke in a clearing nearby.

"Raven," you whispered, before full-out sprinting towards the pod. "Raven!"

When you approached she was unconscious. You peeled open the door with Bellamy's help and unbuckled her dragging her from her seat. You didn't notice that he was unhooking the radio until he was making a mad dash out of the clearing.

"Fuck." You said breathlessly. "I'll be right back." You told an unconscious Raven.

He was fast, but you were faster. You were lacking a bit in the stamina department, but you were great for a short sprint. You gained on him before launching yourself at his back and tackling him to the ground. Not one of your most graceful movements. You ripped the radio from his hand before he caught his breath and pulled his arms behind his back as you sat on him.

"What the hell, dude! I thought we had an understanding!"

"Be realistic! They're not gonna pardon me!"

"You realize we could have known right the fuck there if we had just asked, you asshole!"

He was silent for a moment. You sighed.

"If they don't know the grounds survivable they're going to kill hundreds of people." You paused. "They're out of air, Bellamy."

You both just breathed.

"Let's just give it a shot. If it doesn't work out, I'll be the first to pack your bags and plan your escape. Deal?"

"Fine." He stood up, with you still on his back, and you were under the distinct impression you would have not been able to keep him there longer if he had said no. You returned your feet to the forest floor and turned around to find Clarke, Finn, and Raven.

"Raven," you yelled, but Clarke was approaching fast and you had a fist colliding with your face before you could greet your best friend.

"What the fuck, Clarke?!" You didn't know what her problem was. Except that maybe you had a stolen radio in your hands. Yeah. On second thought, it probably didn't look too good. After a few more face shots, everyone seemed to snap out of it and Bellamy was pulling her off of you.

"Jesus Christ, Clarke. I always thought you were kinda cool, but I'm really not loving my experiences being in close proximity to you."

Raven laughed. She had heard many a rant on Clarke's artistic tendencies. Running, well weaving until she was by your side on the ground. "You don't look to hot, girl."

She laughed again. "You're one to talk. You look like shit right now."

"Two peas in a pod, aye?" That was kind of a pun. Not intentional, but also, not lost of Raven. She always got what you meant. You were both on the ground staring at the sky laughing hysterically. You didn't think anyone else really knew what to do.

"I missed you, girl."

"I missed you, too."

"I kinda figured, ya know, since you crash-landed your way to the ground. You forget to check the parachute?"

"I was a little busy with the broken pressure regulator."

"Ooh, rough."


"So, I'm guessing you didn't steal the radio?"


"Wanna explain why you've got it anyway?" Raven chuckled.

"Honestly, not really." You glanced at Bellamy who just raised his eyebrow. Everyone didn't really need to know about the Jaha thing. "Wanna get it hooked up with me, back at camp?"

"You mean, do you want me to hook it up, while you keep 10 feet away?"

"Yeah, that."

A/N: I'm not great with dialogue, if that wasn't already obvious, but I'm working on it. This is the most dialogue I've written in this fic so far, so props to me for that.

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