CH. 1

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•| ⊱ Sleepy Week ⊰ |•

Love. Oh, it's such a wonderful thing to not only feel, but to have. Love can be as plutonic as loving your friends and family or it could be romantic. There's so many ways to love as well. The language of love is as vast as the sea.

The expression of love has been dumbed down to five categories. Gift giving sounds materialistic and even crass, but it's always nice to receive something from a loved one. What makes it even more special is if it was made by hand. Acts of service is always a treat when the loved one is doing it out of the kindness of their heart. Even if they have a hard time and struggle a bit, it's the thought that makes one smile.

Then there are words of affirmation. It's always nice to hear them say how much they care even if you know. Physical touch does what words can't explain as sometimes a comforting hug can go a long way. Lastly is quality time. Spending time together always deepens the bond between two people. They could be doing the simplest thing such as having dinner or something more out there like climbing a cliff.

Love was truly one of life's greatest gifts.

So what did y/n do wrong?

Half of the isle must have heard of her break up with Hook. They had been going steady building a fine foundation for their relationship, but she went and wrecked it. The foundation was too weak so when she put her foot down for the first time, the floor broke.

Thinking more on the history of their relationship made her realize that maybe they were doomed from the start. High school relationships don't last after school, so middle school relationships don't last that long either. Would it be considered a miracle that they last nearly three years? Who knows really. The memory of how Hook shot an arrow through her heart flooded y/n's mind.

It was middle school during lunch. y/n was sitting with Carlos, it was only the two of them since the other three decided to skip school. Carlos almost followed their lead, but she knew he'd feel bad for leaving her behind at school again. There was no talking y/n out of skipping no matter how hard he and the others tried.

He told a white lie to them about how his mother found out he had been skipping school. That he's not allowed to miss another day or else he'll regret it. They moan and groan at the explanation yet ultimately let him off the hook. He didn't want them knowing that he was willingly hanging out with the resident dullard.

Even though the memory is only a few years old, y/n remembers the conversation they were having like it was yesterday. They were talking about the rumor of a ghost walking along the beach during the witching hour. It was a hot top amongst the younger residents of the isle. y/n and Carlos were simply exchanging what they had heard and their thoughts.

When a boy barged into the conversation. y/n automatically recognized who he was. Harry Hook was infamous for supposedly stabbing an older boy’s eye who had been his older sister's ex. No one is sure what parts are embellished. All that is concrete is that his older sister's ex lost an eye.

She didn't know too much about him aside from that and seeing him constantly with his two friends. Uma had blue hair and always had something to say about Mal. Gil seems nice, but has a bit of a thick skull.

Completely disregarding the conversation going on Harry turned his attention to y/n. His light blue eyes pierced into her which caused an uncomfortable pit in her stomach. Not being able to withstand the self-conscious feeling she shifted her eyes down to her sandwich. He'd go away as long as she didn't react to his words or actions. Carlos was with her too and she's sure he wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. They've always had each other's backs.

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