CH. 2

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•| ⊱ Hesitant Decision ⊰ |•

The woman looked shocked and grabbed the scroll from her daughter's hand. Her eyes scanned the acceptance letter. A feeling of hope rose within her. The thought of her sweet y/n being able to see life outside the isle brought such a bright smile to her face. Then a tinge of fear came dribbling down.

How would y/n adjust to life outside of the isle? She knows y/n wasn't the only one to get an acceptance letter as she saw the visitors holding a few more letters. Yet would that be enough for her to comfortably settle in? Was she going to be able to come back and visit? Would she even be allowed to communicate with anyone on the island?

As these worried thoughts built up, she glanced at y/n. The girl's face didn't display any particular feeling, it seemed like she was still trying to take in all the information. Handing the acceptance letter to her husband, the woman gently put her arm around her daughter's shoulders.

"Is this something you want to do?"

y/n shifted her [eye color] eyes to the right. Looking away from her mom to think. A few minutes of silence passed before she gave y/n a slight squeeze on the shoulders. "You don't have to make your decision right now. You have a couple of days to think it over." Her words were met with a quiet sigh from y/n.

'Couldn't I have more time to sulk in my room without having to think about my future?' y/n thought to herself as she stared down at the rug. This was too sudden and too soon.

Of course, she had thought of running away from this horrible place that was her home. Everyone had thought of it at least once. The isle had nothing going for it aside from crime and chaos. Now she was given an opportunity to flee this place and all she could do was hesitate. If anyone else was given this golden ticket they'd be jumping and hollering in delight.

She cursed herself for being so weak and scared. She should be happy, excited about the news. She shouldn't even be thinking about rejecting the offer, but she did. She thought of staying home and staying in her room for the rest of her days. It was sad and pitiful.

Believing that she had thought enough on the matter for now, she looked around the room to see that she was alone. The smell of food traveled to her nose and the sound of the kitchen being used hit her ears. She must have been lost in her thoughts so long that she hadn't noticed her parents leaving the room. Or maybe they silently left her alone to give her some space. They were always so considerate compared to the other parents here. She's heard and even witnessed how cruel some parents could be.

It gave her an even greater appreciation for her mom and dad. Even if she didn't want to leave home, she could do it for her parents. She could go to Auradon and make something out of herself unlike her older brother. She could be something to be proud of. What a wonderfully horrible position to be in. Getting back on her feet, she decided to help her parents with cooking. Not only to get Auradon off her mind, but to make herself useful to the ones around her.

Dinner that night was quiet and not because her older brother was thankfully out and about. Usually it was y/n and her mom who talked while her younger brother and dad just listened to them. Her dad was mute while Kronid was just quiet with not much to say. Everyone aside from Kronid, had Auradon on their mind.

That night y/n couldn't get to sleep which was rather ironic. She had been able to sleep away the week so easily, but when she really needed to sleep she couldn't get a wink. It wasn't just Auradon that was making it difficult for her to sleep, she missed walking to Ursula's and taking in everything around her. Life sucked, yet it was those moments. Everything is just highs and lows.

The idea of leaving home for who knows how long scared her. Leaving the comfort of her house was always nerve racking to an extent, but she knew she could always run back home. A part of her wanted to scream about how this wasn't fair. Of course she didn't because she knew how immature it would be. Whining wasn't going to help her or make anything easier.

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