Like or Like like?

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A/N: GAAAAHHH hey everyone IM SO EXCITED to start a new series. its about my all time fav couple that introduced me to bl seven years ago. and even though its been so long, they have always been my safe zone and i will always have a soft spot in my heart for Simon Snow and Baz Pitch. and even though they are completely fictional character i still love them with my whole heart.

BUT ANYWAYS this first chapter is for Baz since it's his 28th birthday TODAY  on the 24th of February. i just wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my all-time favourite non-human-blood-drinking fictional vampire hottie I HOPE U HAVE THE MOST MAGICAL DAY in your alternate universe where i wish i existed instead of this one.

BUT thie series is all gonna be about ✨them✨. so if u (reader) is a fan of my other book (deja vu) I PROMISE I WILL UPDATE SOON just lemme have some time with my babies. and if u dont wanna read this book I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND since not everybody has read the Simon Snow series.

BUT this chapter is inspired by the Minature Tigers song 'Like or Like like' which is totally Snowbaz coded (if u know u know) so if u wanna listen to this song while reading it would be more fun for the both of us.


It's Baz's birthday.

Don't ask me how I know. I just do.

Normally I wake up before him to get to breakfast first, and I always make sure to make as much noise as I can to  annoy him.

But today I was woken up by him pacing in front of the mirror, trying to be as quiet as possible (he's probably trying to sneak off somwhere), and he thinks he's the only one with superhearing (the tosser).

The Mage says it's because I'm the Chosen One. I have more magic than any other mage in England. It enhances my senses (I still don't have night vision though). I'm pretty sure Baz does, he doesn't come back to our room until it's pitch-black outside, (it's probably only called pitch black because Baz Pitch exists). And he doesn't even need to turn on a light, he just pads around our room without bumping into anything, slick like oil, like a shadow, like a cat.

But I pretended I'm still asleep, we try to avoid each other most of the time, and we hardly ever talk to each other. He just sneers at me and looks down at me from his slighly bent nose (I broke it). He's only three inches taller than me, he's always been three inches taller than me, if I grow three inches over the summer, he grows three inches, maybe four.

But I pretend I'm asleep, partially because I know he doesn't want to talk to me (if only he knew how I feel for him), and partially to spare him from embarrassment, because I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm fast asleep, and he's making silly faces in the mirror.

I can see him from my peripheral vision, I've never seen this side of him, he looks almost...likable. He sticks his tongue out at the mirror, and I stifle a laugh, but I think he hears it, because he spins around faster than I've ever seen a human being move, I'm pretty sure he's not a human being, (vampire thing). And I snap my eyes shut.

He hisses, and I crack my eyes open just a tiny bit, just to see him standing a few feet away from me, full on staring at me. If this was in a different context, I would probably be looking like a tomato now.

But Baz look's like he actually wants to kill me (technically he can't because of the anathema).So I decide to pretend like I've just woken up.

“Bloody hell Baz” I murmur, sitting up in bed and stretching. He's still watching me from the foot of my bed, eyes narrowed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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