Season 8 | Episode 171: I Was Feeling Epic (Prologue)

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This marked the moment when Elena awakened from a six-year-long sleep. Bound to Bonnie through an unbreakable link by Kai's magic, Elena had to endure the torment until Bonnie's natural end. It was only when Bonnie finally shattered the binding spell that Elena stirred from her deep, enchanted slumber.

Slowly, Elena's eyelids fluttered open, blinking against the harsh light filtering through the room. As her vision adjusted, she found herself met with a pair of familiar olive-green eyes glistening with tears. "Bonnie...?" she whispered, a mix of disbelief and hope in her voice.

Bonnie's smile widened, tears cascading down her cheeks. "Oh my God, Elena. It worked."

Elena's heart raced with a surge of emotion. "I'm finally awake?"

Tears of joy streamed down Bonnie's face as she nodded vigorously. "Yes! I can't believe it worked! I wasn't sure if I could do it."

Elena wrapped her arms tightly around her best friend, overwhelmed with relief and gratitude. She savored the warmth of Bonnie's embrace, the sensation of air filling her lungs once more. It had been an eternity since she had felt anything other than the emptiness of slumber.


The thought of him filled her mind, igniting a sense of urgency within her. Bonnie pulled back, her expression filled with understanding. "Go. Damon needs you now more than ever."

Driven by a clear purpose, Elena remembered glimpsing Stefan in her unconscious state, his presence and tearful goodbye haunting her dreams, along with his final message. It reinforced her resolve; Damon needed her, unmistakably, in this critical moment.

Rising to her feet, Elena felt a wave of dizziness wash over her. The sensation of standing after six years of immobility was disorienting, her muscles protesting against the sudden movement. 'Damon.' The name echoed in her mind like a beacon, guiding her forward.

Bonnie held Elena's hand to support her, her eyes reflecting a mix of concern and determination. "I'll take you to him."

The journey to the Salvatore crypt felt like an eternity, each step filled with anticipation and longing. With every passing moment, Elena's heart beat faster, her desire to see Damon growing stronger. Memories of Damon—his smile, his touch, his unwavering love—flooded her mind. She couldn't wait to feel his arms around her once again, to be reunited with the man who had captured her heart so completely.

Finally, they reached their destination—the final resting place of Stefan Salvatore.

Finally, they reached their destination—the final resting place of Stefan Salvatore

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The recent events unfolded swiftly in a whirlwind of chaos. The sirens' wail had served as a warning, leading them on a relentless pursuit of Cade, their immortal foe. But defeating Cade only unveiled a new chapter of turmoil orchestrated by the formidable Katherine. Amidst the chaos, Stefan, in a selfless act of heroism, sacrificed himself to protect the town. The speed of it all left Damon reeling, struggling to come to terms with the reality that he wouldn't be seeing his beloved brother anymore.

'Until we meet again, brother...'

Caroline's gaze lingered on her husband's tomb, the stone cold and unyielding beneath her fingertips. The air hung heavy with the weight of unspoken words, each syllable a testament to the fleeting nature of their time together. Her thoughts drifted back to their last conversation, a bittersweet exchange that now felt like a lifetime ago.

As Caroline turned to leave the solemn confines of the Salvatore crypt, a sharp intake of breath escaped her lips. Damon's footsteps echoed hers, his curiosity piqued by her sudden halt.

"Elena?" The disbelief was palpable in Caroline's voice as she saw her best friend, finally awake from her enchanted slumber.

Damon's astonishment mirrored Caroline's, yet it was quickly overshadowed by a rush of affection. Without a moment's hesitation, he strode forward, closing the distance between them with decisive steps. He wrapped Elena in a tight embrace, one that spoke volumes of the longing and relief coursing through him, lifting her feet off the ground in a spontaneous gesture of overwhelming emotion. The world seemed to stand still around them, capturing the essence of their reunion in that singular, heartfelt gesture.

In turn, Elena threw herself into his arms, tears of relief streaming down her cheeks. The pain and longing of the past six years melted away, replaced by the overwhelming joy of their reunion.

As they stood locked in each other's embrace, Elena savored every sensation: the warmth of Damon's embrace, the sight of his beloved face, and the sweetness of his kiss. It was a moment suspended in time, and she knew that nothing could ever tear them apart again. They had overcome every obstacle, defied every odd, and now, they were together once more.

"I'm here... I'm with you now." Elena's words, though simple, carried a profound weight of commitment. Even in the wake of Stefan's departure, she vowed to be Damon's unwavering support, a beacon of strength in the face of adversity.

"Where have you been all my life..." He murmured softly, pulling her closer, feeling like he'd been apart from her forever.

As they reluctantly parted, Damon kept hold of Elena's hand, unwilling to relinquish her touch even as Alaric and Matt arrived.

Together, they began the solemn ritual of honoring everything Stefan sacrificed to protect Mystic Falls. He had given up his life to stop Katherine for good and prevent Damon from having to make the sacrifice, ensuring that he could live a long and happy life with Elena.

In honor of Stefan, Elena left the necklace, Caroline the snow globe of Mystic Falls, Matt his vervain bracelet, and Damon his daylight ring on his brother's grave.

With final farewells whispered into the silent air, they turned their backs to begin a new chapter in their lives.

With final farewells whispered into the silent air, they turned their backs to begin a new chapter in their lives

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Even though Stefan is gone, they vow to truly live. With the tides now calm, there are no more tragedies, no more enemies to face.

 With the tides now calm, there are no more tragedies, no more enemies to face

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...or so they thought.

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