Episode 186: Rekindled Flames

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The morning sun filtered through the tall windows of the hotel's breakfast buffet, casting a warm glow over the elegantly set tables. Damon, Elena, Bonnie, Alaric, and Matt were gathered around a large table, the aroma of fresh coffee and pastries filling the air. The atmosphere was relaxed, a stark contrast to the lively spirit of the previous night's celebration.

Elena reached for a warm, buttery pain au chocolat, smiling at the sight of Damon, who was engrossed in a conversation with Alaric about his bar back in Asheville. Matt was serving himself a generous helping of scrambled eggs, while Bonnie sipped her coffee, looking out at the bustling city beyond the windows.

Caroline and the twins had decided to enjoy a morning swim in the hotel pool, leaving the rest of the group to a quieter breakfast.

As Elena took a bite of her pastry, Jeremy approached the table, his expression brightening as he saw his sister. He pulled up a chair beside her, a plate piled high with eggs, bacon, and sausage in hand.

"Hey, Elena," Jeremy greeted, his voice warm and full of affection.

"Hey, Jer. What have you been up to lately? I feel like we haven't caught up in ages," Elena exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with genuine interest.

"I've been keeping busy," Jeremy replied with a smile. "Still on the road quite a bit. Just got back from a trip to Santa Fe," he added, a hint of excitement coloring his tone.

"Santa Fe? What took you there?" Elena asked, her curiosity piqued.

Jeremy took a sip of his orange juice before answering. "There was a case involving some rogue vampires causing trouble."

Elena's concern flickered across her features. "Jeremy, please promise me you'll be careful."

Jeremy shrugged, his expression relaxed and confident. "You know me, Elena. It's nothing I couldn't handle. The vampires there were mostly newly turned and reckless. I managed to contain the situation pretty quickly."

"I'm glad you're safe," Elena said, her voice filled with relief. "I worry about you all the time, you know."

Jeremy reached out and squeezed her hand reassuringly. "I know, Elena. But I'm careful. And besides, being a hunter gives me a sense of purpose. It feels like I'm making a difference."

Elena nodded, understanding his need for purpose. "Just promise me you'll stay safe."

"I promise," Jeremy replied earnestly. "So, what about you? How's everything going with the baby?" Jeremy asked, changing the subject to lighten the mood.

Elena's face softened, her hand instinctively resting on her baby bump. "Everything's going well. We're really excited. Damon is... he's been amazing."

Jeremy glanced over at Damon, who was now laughing heartily at something Alaric had said. "I can see that. He's really changed, hasn't he?"

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