Episode 173: WWODD - What Would Old Damon Do

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"I'll check out the local college tomorrow morning. Their website says they're still accepting admissions. I'll restart my pre-med studies there," Elena announced, her voice laced with determination as she took a bite of her French fries.

Sitting on the worn bar stools at the local diner, Damon and Elena tried to blend in with the town's regulars. They'd been immersed in the supernatural for years, Damon the longest. Everything that passed for normal now seemed off, especially to Damon, who struggled to adjust to human life.

As Elena spoke, Damon scanned their surroundings cautiously, his senses sharpened by years of navigating the supernatural world. The mundane chatter and clatter of the diner seemed to mock the chaos he once thrived in, serving as a constant reminder of the life he had left behind. He took a sip of his beer, but its bitterness did little to soothe his restless mind.

"I'll come with you tomorrow," Damon offered, his tone casual but tinged with a hint of concern. "Just to make sure everything's... okay."

Elena smiled gratefully, understanding the unspoken worry in Damon's words. In their world, where danger lurked around every corner, Damon's protective nature was both a blessing and a curse.

Their waitress approached, topping up Elena's coffee mug with a friendly smile. Damon observed her carefully, his instincts on high alert despite the seemingly ordinary setting. It was a habit he couldn't shake—a reminder of the uncertainties they faced.

Elena reached for Damon's hand, her touch grounding him in the present. "Hey, we're safe here," she reassured him, her demeanor soft but firm.

He returned her smile, though a shadow lingered in his eyes. Deep inside, he knew their safety was temporary. With the cure coursing through his veins, he was a walking target for anyone seeking to exploit his newfound mortality—everyone he had wronged or anyone who desired to become human again.

It had only been a month since that fateful event, but he couldn't shake the sense of peril. Sooner or later, someone would discover the truth and hunt him down. And once the cure was extracted from his body, he would age rapidly, his mortality catching up to him with alarming speed.

And if someone does find out, he will be bringing danger to Elena, adding a further layer of worry to his thoughts.

"How about we scope out the local bar tonight?" Elena suggested, attempting to pull Damon from his brooding thoughts. "You mentioned wanting to get a feel for the competition before opening your own place."

Her suggestion was met with a smirk from Damon, his interest piqued at the prospect of assessing the neighboring establishment.

As they finished their meal and left the diner, Damon kept a wary eye on their surroundings. The streets were quiet under the soft glow of streetlights, but Damon knew better than to trust appearances. In their old world, threat could lurk anywhere. Even though they were both humans now, they still carried a piece of the supernatural with them—the cure.

The local bar was packed to the brim, filled with a mix of patrons ranging from old regulars to younger folks out for a night of fun. Their voices carried over the din of chatter and clinking glasses, while the unmistakable scent of alcohol hung heavy in the air.

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