Episode 174: Backstabbing Bonnie

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After reading through her friends' diaries—a task she had undertaken a week after Bonnie awakened her, a promise they had made so she could catch up on their lives while she slept—Elena noticed that the sun had already risen, casting a warm glow into the room.

After reading through her friends' diaries—a task she had undertaken a week after Bonnie awakened her, a promise they had made so she could catch up on their lives while she slept—Elena noticed that the sun had already risen, casting a warm glow i...

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Damon squinted, momentarily blinded by the sunlight as he awoke. Blinking away the drowsiness, he observed Elena placing the journal by her side while seated in the window nook. Her silhouette was bathed in the soft morning light, giving her an ethereal quality.

"Why the early rise, Princess?" Damon asked, curiosity lacing his voice with a husky morning tone as he approached her, drawn to the sight of her in the morning glow.

Elena turned to him, her voice soft. "Couldn't sleep," she admitted. Closing her eyes, she nestled against Damon's sculpted physique, taking in his captivating scent. As she leaned into him, she felt the reassuring thud of his heartbeat, a comforting rhythm in the quiet of the morning.

He watched Elena with a mixture of admiration and concern. She had been through so much, yet her resilience never ceased to amaze him. Damon couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. He had caused her pain more times than he could count, yet here she was, still by his side.

"Elena," he said softly, his voice breaking the peaceful silence of the morning. "Are you okay?"

Elena looked up at him, her eyes reflecting a myriad of emotions. "Of course," she replied with a smile. "Reading their diaries... it was just overwhelming. But it also reminded me of how much I missed."

A sudden realization hit him. He suddenly felt exposed, vulnerable, knowing that Elena must have delved into the darkest corners of his past through those diary entries. The tragedies, the betrayals, the lives he had shattered—all laid bare for her to witness. The memories he had buried deep within himself, hoping they would remain forever hidden. Yet, the weight of his past actions lingered, casting a shadow over his otherwise carefree demeanor.

He stole a glance at Elena, her expression serene yet tinged with a hint of sadness. It was moments like these that reminded him of the darkness that lurked within him, threatening to consume everything he held dear. But Elena, she was his beacon of light in the darkest of nights. Her love, her forgiveness, her unwavering belief in him—they were constants in his ever-changing world.

Pushing aside his concerns for the time being, Damon flashed her a reassuring smile, hoping to dispel any traces of worry she might harbor. With a gentle squeeze of her hand, he said, "Come on. Let's take a bath," a playful glint in his eyes as he took her hand. With a grin, Elena followed his lead, allowing him to pull her up from the window nook. "Let's hurry if you want to get to that college school early," he playfully teased.

"No... Let's just relax for a bit under the shower," Elena replied, her tone filled with anticipation.

Damon's smirk widened at Elena's suggestive tone, his own desire ignited by her words. With a playful wink, he led her into the bathroom. Their steps echoed on the tiled floor as they entered the shower stall.

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