Chapter 6

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Leo pov

I jumped up and was out of breath. I looked around, we were all in the auditorium. Everything was fine. Mr Lunie was helping Jenna and Liz with their scene and I was asleep in one of the chairs. Clara walked over to me.

"Are you okay?"

She asked.

"What happened?"

I questioned.

"You tripped and fell off the stage and you've been asleep ever since."

She said.

"What? So there is no killer?"

I was confused.

"Killer? What are you talking about?"

She gave me a weird look.


I got up and stretched. Just happy that it wasn't real.

"You're awake!"

Ophelia and Jenna came running over.

"Do you feel okay?"

Jenna asked. I nodded my head.

"I just have a miner headache."

I said.

"Why don't you rest for a bit, you can watch if you don't feel up to doing anything."

She smiled and walked back to her side of the stage. Jenna started walking away but I stopped her.

"Jenna can we talk?"

Jenna pov

I was going to walk back to the stage but Leo stopped me.

"What's up?"

I asked.

"I had a bad dream... it was weird.."

He said. We both sat down.

"What was it?"

I asked.

"I had a dream that there was a killer in the school, the lights turned off, Mr Lunie died!"

He said.

"That's crazy, what else happened?"

I was intrigued.

"Before I woke up, the killer killed you right in front of me and then I died."

He made a stabbing motion with his hands.


Mr Lunie called.

"Sorry babe, I'll be back."

I walked away still thinking about the dream.

What would happen if there really was somebody that broke into the school...

Clara pov

I walked out of the auditorium from the emergency exit. I wasn't really needed and I needed some air. I walked over and drank from the water fountain. As I was drinking a mop fell out of the janitors closet. It was located right behind me. I jumped and turned around.

Maybe I accidentally knocked into it or something?

I heard something from down the hall. I decided to go to the bathroom since I didn't want to go back in the auditorium but I didn't want to stay out in the hallway. It was getting freaky. I went to the bathroom and heard someone enter the bathroom. It sounded like someone in large big combat boots. I tried to brush it off as the janitor or something but then I thought about it.

What kind of janitor wears big boots?

I heard them go into the stall right next to me. I tried to stay calm. I wanted to wait for them to leave. I controlled my breathing. I jumped as my phone went off.

Shit it wasn't on silent!

I started freaking out. I quickly started walking out of the stall but someone grabbed onto my shirt and I screamed.

Liz pov

As me and Jenna finished a scene we ran backstage. We were on stage left where Carter, Iris and Clara were. We were expecting Clara to be waiting for us since she had to move stuff next scene but she wasn't there. I figured that she just went to the bathroom or something and didn't think much about it. I looked over and saw Carter texting someone. I was curious so I looked over.

1 down.

I saw the receiver sent.


Carter responded. He put his phone down and locked eyes with me. That made me jump and I quickly looked away. I could tell he was staring at me from the corner of my eye but I tried to ignore it.

"Are you okay?"

Jenna broke the awkwardness. I nodded and gave her a sort of fake smile.

"Where the hell is Clara?"

I heard Theo say behind me. He had a big binder filled with everything in each scene.

"Has anybody seen her?"

He asked. I shrugged and Jenna shook her head.

"Okay well Carter can you take over for Clara?"

He asked. He sighed but agreed. In this scene Carter had to bring a bed for Tina's  room. This is where she would get mad and plan me and Jenna's death.

Albert pov

    I wasn't needed until act 2. I was the police chief and we don't investigate the scene until then. So usually I would work on some homework or wander the halls. This time I was walking down a hallway that cut through the cafeteria. In the cafeteria there were big doors that lead into the courtyard. As you walked down the hallway you got to an another set of doors that lead to the sports area, which had the big gym and storage area for sports equipment. If you turned left you would see doors that lead outside into the stadium.

    I was bored walking the halls. I had music blasting in my ears, I was bobbing my head as I walked. I heard a scream and I turned around. I took my headphones out and I listened. I looked around trying to find out where it came from. I didn't hear anything so I just put my head phones back on and continued walking. I got to the
sports area and that's when I heard it again. Another scream. I got the chills so I had a feeling that I had to leave. I heard someone walking down the hall where I came from. My gut immediately told me to hide I walked into the storage area with was protected my a gate and hit behind a big garbage can filled with basket balls. I heard him open the doors to the sports area. I stayed quiet and made sure my music was off so it didn't give me away. I heard him stop in front of the storage area. I was curious so I peaked my head out and saw a big man in a hood wearing a black mask. He was holding a knife and I saw something shaped like a gun in his pocket. The knife was soaked with blood. As I noticed I accidentally let a gasp escape my mouth. I quickly hit myself and covered my mouth. I heard him open the gate to the storage area and walk to where I was hiding. I tried to control my breathing. It was quiet for a whole minute. He pushed the garbage filled with basket balls and they all spilled everywhere revealing my hiding spot. He grabbed my shirt and I let out a scream.


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