Chapter 15~ The Mortals

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Nobody knew where Annabeth and Leo had gone. Nobody had spotted them in 24 hours. Everyone knew they still in the building, because no one could leave. Hephesatus's and Hermes's kids had put booby traps on every door.

People could still leave, but it was extremely hard. And scary. I had heard some Hermes twins say to each other, "What do you mean we put the mines on the wrong hill?" So I basically never would try to leave.

Piper and Jason went around, trying to find Annabeth and Leo, but no such luck. The remaining five demigods were sitting on a couch in a Erudite room. They were talking about their life, and why they had chosen to transfer to Dauntless. Frank was in the middle of telling his story, when the door opened, and Annabeth and Leo appeared in the doorway.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, and stayed quiet. It stayed like that until Piper screamed out, "WHERE THE HELL WHERE THE BOTH OF YOU?! WE'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK!!" I suddenly felt the urge to tell Piper every place I had ever been too. Tori had mentioned something about Piper being a charm speaker.

Annabeth limped toward one of the chairs, and sat down. "Well," she said. "I felt pretty bad for Leo, so I decided to bring him to one of my favorite places from when I was a kid." She started telling us that they talked about things, and how he showed her how to make stuff. They had fallen asleep, and they hadn't noticed a whole day had passed
until now.

I immediately felt anger burning in my stomach. I had never felt jealous before, and I don't know why I was now. Annabeth obviously still has feelings for Luke, and I don't even know if we're... together.

I opened my mouth to say something, when the door burst open (again) and this time Thalia was standing there, panting. She had probably run all the way here. "There are some... some people outside. They're hurt, and... and monsters." Then she leaned against the wall and said, "I- I ran all the way here."


Wait. Who's Weasly? Oh, Whatever.

Everyone ran off except for Annabeth and Leo, who probably were tired from all the drama. We went to the main entrance, where Tori was waiting for us. "What's going on?" Hazel asked.

"There are monsters outside, and some mortals are running toward us." I looked outside, and there was a girl with bouncy, red curls and green eyes running toward us. She was wearing Abnegation clothing, and I realized that she was Rachel Elizabeth Dare, a girl who sat across from me in Faction class.

There was another girl though, but I didn't recognize her. "Who are they?" Said a girl with green eyes. Tori shook her head. "No idea."

"I know one of them." I said. "The one with the red curls, that's Rachel Elizabeth Dare." And when everyone looked at me in confusion, I quickly added, "She was in my Faction Class."

"I think I recognize the other one." Bernie piped up behind me. "But I'm not sure."

"Well," Said a voice next to me. "Let's help them." I jumped. Nico was standing next to me, and he looked pretty tired. Everyone who was there cheered ((A/N there's only like a dozen people there, okay.)) and ran outside to fight the monsters off.


We found Annabeth and Leo sleeping on the couch, but Leo was already waking up. Rachel and the other girl had gone to the infirmary to get their bruises and cuts cleaned up. They would be questioned later.

Bernie had gone to the infirmary to help, even though healing wasn't her thing. None of the demigods had gotten seriously injured, though.

"I'm gonna go check on Calypso." Leo said groggily. We all nodded, and he left the room. I sat down on the couch were Annabeth was napping, and looked at her. Her curly blonde princess curls were all over the place, but for some reason, that made her look more beautiful.

Suddenly, Ananbeth gasped, jerked her eyes opened, and sat up. She was sweating, and she seemed really tired. "Annabeth?" Jason asked. "You okay?" Ananbeth shook her head in reply. She got up and scampered out of the room.

"I wonder what that was about." Frank said.



I was diagnosed with a disease called writers block.

And then to make it worse, I had school, but it finished yesterday!!!!!

And I didn't have any wifi yesterday so I couldn't publish this chapter.

And I'm so happy because #lovewins!! it was a happy day yesterday in America. #nycpride I was in New York City and there were rainbow flags everywhere :3

I hope you all like this chapter!!!!

Carme xp

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