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Y/n takes a minute to blink away the weariness of sleep as she listens to the pilot speak in Korean about remaining seated until the plane stops. She can hear many other passengers waking up and getting their things ready to depart from the plane once it lands, and she finds herself brimming with excitement as she glances out the window.

Seoul, South Korea. She's home at last.

It's been almost six years since Y/n left for America to study animations, coding, and game development. Her twin brother was not happy about her leaving, but she had a dream, and she would not stop until she achieved it just like he did. Jisung was distraught with agony the day she left when they were just freshly 18 years old, but he let her go with tears pooling down his face... Y/n will never get over the guilt of leaving her anxiety-ridden brother, but she couldn't remain glued to his side for the rest of their lives, no matter how badly she wanted to.

Jisung is her twin brother. They look almost nothing alike, but he's her best friend. She knows everything about him. It kills her that she wasn't there when he met his mate and his pack. She heard about how amazing they were. All the things they did for him, from the courting to the mating. She could've lived without the in-depth detail on how lovely his mate's knot is, but well that's just Jisung. He doesn't have a filter, but she loves him for it. She's never physically met them, but she knows what they look like and has talked to a few of them through Facetime a couple of times, so she knows a lot about them.

Y/n is excited to formally meet them, especially Felix. Since she's Jisung's twin, Felix has self-proclaimed them to be the sunshine triplets with Felix only being barely a day younger than them. She absolutely adores him and can not wait to smother him with affection. She adores all of the omegas really, especially since they're all the same age as her. Most of the alphas are also wonderful. Chan, Jeongin, and Changbin are sweet... Minho too on a good day but Kim Seungmin, however... She wishes she could avoid him, but he's part of Jisung's pack and it's her part as his sister to meet them all so... she'll just have to suffer.

Y/n snaps out of her thoughts at the sight of the others gathering their things. The pilot calls for all the omegas, mothers, and pups to exit the plane, so Y/n grabs her purse and slides out to the main aisle, quickly grabbing her carry-on and leaving the plane.

She turns her phone on as she walks and waits for it to load. A bunch of messages from her old high school friends and the ones she met in America bombard her phone with birthday wishes, and she smiles to herself, reminding herself to answer them when she has the time as she finds one of Jisung's alphas' contact.

[Hannie 2 😝]:


i'm here!


it's about time 🙄

i've been waiting here forever

i'm not getting any younger, Y/n-ah 😞

[Hannie 2 😝]:


no one told you to come so early, Oppa


yah! show some gratitude to your oppa!

i didn't have to come get you

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