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A/N: when I tell you I struggled finishing this chapter?? ugh, i almost quit. ANYWAY! ENJOY!!!

cw: recreational drugs... and fighting


Y/n jolts as someone screams and sits up in her bed in a panic. She takes a minute to gather her surroundings. It's dark and she's back in bed at the rented house. She's still wearing her dress from the dinner but her shoes and jewelry are gone and she can't feel the cache of makeup, so someone must've removed her makeup too. She jolts at another moan and listens out intently in confusion before she gags, cutting off her reach.

"Of course, they're fucking," she scowls, crawling out of her bed. "Disgusting."

Y/n pauses as she notices her phone charging next to her bed and grabs it. She scowls at the bright screen as she checks the time. It's 2 am, and she's wide awake.

The only downside to being a wolf is that alcohol never stays in their system long. Which, in hindsight, is also a good thing and the main reason they get drunk so often. But now her buzz is gone and as she recalls the night's events, she groans, curling a hand through her hair.

Thank god she didn't say something reckless while Seungmin carried her to her room. Though... she'll have to thank him for taking care of her.

"Fuck! Hyung! Oh! Right there!"

Y/n grimaces, slightly hating her good hearing. Y/n glances out the window, noticing the reflection of water, and decides to go for a swim. She quickly changes her clothes and grabs her fully charged phone and speaker on the way out. Y/n plugs her ears as she passes everyone's rooms and fakes a gag as she finds out that all three mated pairs are busy in the sheets.

"Gross," she hisses, rushing outside.

Y/n's quick to play her vibes playlist and beams as ACHE by emawk starts to play. She dips her toes into the water, happy to find it warm, and wades into it. She groans as the water soaks her skin comfortably, and walks around the pool, dancing to the music and humming softly.

A quarterway into the playlist, she lets herself float onto her back and stares up at the sky brushing her hand through the water, happily thinking about the potential of the future with her brother and future niece or nephew.

"What the fuck are you doing out here?"

Y/n jolts and stands on her feet. "Oh, Seungmin. Hi!"

The alpha blinks at her, dressed in comfortable clothes with a mug of something warm in his hand. "What are you doing in the pool? It's almost 3 am."

She shrugs, wading closer to the edge. "Trying to drown myself from the sounds of your packmates fucking the life out of her each other."

Seungmin snorts. "Sounds like a good idea," he nods in contemplation. "Hold on, I'll join you."

He heads back into the house without waiting for her response and Y/n keeps swimming around, her heart racing at the idea of a late-night swim with Seungmin. She reminds herself that everything is platonic and that she has no claim over the alpha. Does her omega like that? Not at all, but she'll just have to get over it.

A few minutes later, the door opens and she only has enough time to turn her head before Seungmin jumps into the water, splashing her in the process. Y/n glares at him as he resurfaces, but the alpha grins, shaking out his orange hair.

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