Felix's Birthday pt 1

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Y/n flinches awake to the sound of someone frantically knocking on her door. She curses up a storm as she stumbles out of the barricade of blankets and rushes to the door. She swings the door open and glares. "What?"

Two alphas dressed in suits stare back at her disheveled state in surprise before the one on the left clears his throat. "Hello, Han Y/n-ssi. We're here to escort you to Jeju Island under the direction of Bahng Chan-ssi. We have been knocking for 10 minutes."

"Ah," Y/n perks up. "Aish, what time is it?"

"11:20 am, ma'am," the one on the right responds, holding out his wrist with a watch on it. "If we're not quick, we'll miss the flight."

Y/n curses up a storm and rushes back into the room. "I'm sorry! I'll be quick!"

They step into the room with hesitance but Y/n doesn't pay them any attention as she rushes to change her clothes. She's quick to put on something cute but casual as she gathers all of her things before ducking into the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash the sleep from her face.

"Okay," Y/n shoves her stuff into her case before putting it in the front zipper of her carry-on bag. "I'm ready."

"Great, let's head out."

The alphas grab her suitcases and carry-on bag as Y/n grabs her purse, phone, and keycard and leaves the room with them quickly on her tail. She makes a mental note to chastise Chan for his overprotectiveness. She does not need two bodyguards to fly out to Jeju Island.

One alpha checks Y/n out of the hotel as the other leads her to a tinted vehicle. As she waits, she takes the time to further wake herself up, responding to messages and checking her social media. Once he's done, they're off to the airport and it's a blur of motion until she's settled in her first-class seat with the taller alpha sitting next to her in the aisle seat.

"Are you all settled, Miss?" the alpha asks, sliding his glasses off his face.

Y/n blinks at how hazel his eyes are along with this facial structure. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry, are you American by any chance?"

He gives her a short smile. "I am. Korean-American."

"Oh," Y/n switches to English. "Well, it's nice to meet you."

"Wow," he grins. "Your English is perfect. You don't even have an accent, that's impressive."

She beams. "Thank you. I lived in America for nearly 6 years. The accent dropped pretty quickly. What's your name? I can't keep calling you Alpha 2 in my head."

The man chuckles, holding out his hand. "Elijah Park. It's nice to meet you."

Y/n talks with Elijah for the entirety of the short flight, exchanging stories about America and Korea and their vast differences. She pretends she doesn't see his flirting for what it is, but he's fun to talk to, so she doesn't outright shut him down for it. He's easy on the eyes. Not Seungmin level but it's entertaining enough for now. When they get off the plane, Elijah sticks close to her as his eyes roam around their surroundings. The other alpha's name is Junghwa but he's quiet and reserved, not saying anything at all to Y/n.

As Junghwa pulls the car from the sidewalk, Y/n clears her throat. "Excuse me. Can we get some food, please? I'm starving."

"Of course," Junghwa glances at her through the rearview mirror before turning on the indicator and making their way out of the airport.

"What are you up for?" Elijah asks from the passenger seat.

Y/n hums, tapping her chin. "Not sure. Do you think there's a breakfast place somewhere?"

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