Felix's Birthday pt 2

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Y/n wakes up to the feel of someone's tongue against her coat and she tenses before remembering where she is. She peeks an eye open and finds Hyunjin licking her.

'Yah, what are you doing?' she lightly kicks out her legs to hit him.

'I'm grooming you, now stay still,' the omega grumbles.

Y/n grunts. 'Why?'

'Because you pinned me first,' Hyunjin replies as he continues to lick over her side and up to her chest. 'That's the reward for the member who pins me first... plus, you desperately need it. Yah, don't you know how important it is to maintain your coat, Y/n-ah?'

Y/n growls. 'Of course, I know how important it is. There wasn't anyone in America that I trusted to groom me and there's only so much I can do myself.'

He chuffs at her. 'Hush and let me work.'

Y/n grunts and settles her head back down to let the Luna do his work. She glances around to see the entirety of the pack back in the clearing. Jisung is splayed out across the grass with Chan and Minho resting their heads on different parts of his body, Minho back to his human form with clothes on. Felix is wrestling with Jeongin as Changbin and Seungmin watch. She guesses that they're judging their forms and knows she's correct when Felix stops and growls at both of them before Jeongin nips at him to catch his attention.

She yelps as Hyunjin licks behind and between her ears and shudders with a rumble. 'Ohhhh, that feels good.'

Hyunjin chuffs and does it again and her tail wags pleasantly. Then he shifts down her muzzle to her maw, playfully giving her affection kisses and only stops when she lightly snaps her teeth at him. 'Quit it.'

'Yah, just give me one kiss,' Hyunjin whines. 'Everyone in the pack has to kiss me. It's the law!'

'I'm not kissing you, Bahng Hyunjin,' she growls.

'You have to,' he grunts. 'You pinned me, so you have to kiss me.'

'Over my dead body!' She smacks him with her tail. 'You just said the reward was grooming, not a kiss! Don't change it up!'

Hyunjin barks over Jisung's direction to catch his attention and the pregnant omega turns to him curiously. 'Tell Y/n she has to kiss me because she pinned me.'

Jisungie opens his mouth but then snaps it shut with a glare. "No, you just want to kiss my sister."

Hyunjin rolls his green eyes. 'Of course, I want to kiss her. She's pretty! I have to kiss pretty things, but it's still a part of the rules and she doesn't believe me!'

'Of course, she doesn't believe you. You've been flirting with her since Hannie introduced her,' Seungmin teases.

'It's platonic flirting! She and Felix flirt all of the time!' Hyunjin whines again. 'Why am I any different?'

'Because you're a slut,' Seungmin and Jeongin respond at the same time.

Hyunjin growls at them, lightly stomping his paw on the grass and Chan chuckles endearingly at him. 'Yah! Come on!'

Felix's giggles sound through the telepathy as he shakes out his fur. 'It is a part of the rules, Y/n, but you don't have to do it if you don't want to.'

Y/n chuffs and turns to Chan who watches on in amusement and fondness. 'Is it true?'

Chan tilts his head. 'Yeah, it's true. Hyune likes kissing so it's a rule.'

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