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Y/n stands tall in her white heels staring up at the big house as she nervously fiddles with the rings on her fingers. She's about to see her brother for the first time in 3 years and meet his pack, his mate. Her omega is brimming with excitement as her wolf aches to be let out but she keeps that strong control on both of them as Changbin gathers everything out of the car.

"You know," he calls out to her. "You can go in first. Chan will meet us at the door and then we'll head to the living room where everyone should be."

She shakes her head. "I... I don't know why but I can't go in there."

"What do you mean?" Changbin pauses, setting down the groceries hanging from his wrists. Her eyes settle on the pack tattoo on his right wrist, the compass with intricate swirls around it, and a part of her aches for a pack, but she pushes the thought away. "It's just us. You've talked to all of us before. The only difference now is that you'll be seeing us face to face."

"I-I know," she frowns, her mind settled on a specific tall alpha with beautiful brown eyes and a pretty smile. "Just... still a little nerve-wracking." She sighs, her shoulders slumping. "Plus, Sungie's gonna sob his eyes out when he sees me, and when Jisung cries, I cry and then Felix will cry and then it's gonna be a shitshow after that."

Changbin chuckles. "Fair but it'll be worth it. Go in there."

She stumbles as Changbin pushes against her back and she glares at him over her shoulder.

"Go ahead," he juts his chin forward. "I'm right behind you. The door's open."

Y/n sighs but walks up to the marble-stoned steps, idly gawking at the beautifully decorated porch. She pushes the double doors open, glancing around curiously at the wide foyer before she beams at the sight of Chan leaning against the wall with his thick tattooed arms crossed over his chest dressed in casual formal wear. The omega bites back a squeal and waves enthusiastically at him.

"Hey," the pack alpha mutters for her ears only with a smile on his face, dimples on full display. She can't hold herself back and rushes over to him, pulling him into a hug and inhaling his bergamot scent Jisung will not stop talking about. He really does smell amazing.

Chan chuckles as he wraps his arms around her waist, holding her close.

"Oppaaaa!" she whisper-yells. "It's so good to see you!"

"You too, Y/n-ah," Chan squeezes her once before pulling back, holding her hands. "You ready?"

Y/n shakes her head as she squeezes his hands in comfort. "No, I might shit my pants."

Chan chuckles. "Please, don't. You look absolutely stunning, I like the silk. Happy birthday, by the way."

"Thank you," she blushes, twisting her hips. "I figured I'd dress up a little."

"It matches the hair," Chan brushes a strand of blue behind her ear. "I like it. I should go blue again soon."

"You should!" Y/n nods in excitement. "I remember that blue you did. Sung-ah was obsessed with it."

Chan shakes his head. "Yeah, never mind. I don't need another omega drooling all over me. My mate does enough of that."

She snorts. "You love Hyunjin."

She almost squeals again at the dopey look on Chan's face as he responds, "I do."

"Gross," she makes a disgusted face. "Love. Ew."

Chan blushes and Y/n snickers at him. The door opens behind her and Chan rushes to grab the bags from him.

"Ah, thanks, hyung," Changbin smiles before turning to Y/n. "Come on."

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