Chapter 2 - At the Pizza Place

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"It should be right around the corner," Roy commented. Thankfully, my little 'tour' of the town has gone decent—so far. It hasn't been that awkward, but it's just Roy carrying the conversation and me nodding in response.

"We're here," he announced; the bell chiming as we entered the pizzeria. The walls were a white-turned-yellowish color, and the floor was checkered with light and dark green. A worn-out red rug was present to highlight the check-out and the pick-up area. Red checkered tables scattered the place, along with plastic chairs—the black paint ripping off—to accompany them. Not much has changed since I was last here—maybe 9 or 10 years ago? It still felt as homely and lively as ever—and as popular. A bustling crowd filled the room. "Like I said, it's really, really popular. I'm sure you can tell why with the quality of our pizzas," Roy winked. How cute.

"Yeah, I have to admit they were quite scrumptious, but I'm sure I could do better," I jeered.

Roy jokingly scoffed, "Oh really? I'd like to see you try."


"Roy! Can you come over here and help me out! I don't think I can do this all by myself!" an unfamiliar voice yelled across the room.

Roy jumped, and leaned in closer, whispering "Oh, that's just my sister. You remember her right—Joy?" Joy? Suddenly, it just hit me that Roy had an older sister. Was it really that long ago that I forgot already?

"Oh my gosh, is that Y/N? Uncle, I'm taking my 5 minute break! Can you take over?" she yelled to the kitchen. Joy rushed over to our direction, a joyful expression on her face, and jumped to hug me. Startled by her hug, I attempted to escape her embrace, yet  to no avail. "You're actually back? Y/N, you look so different now!" Joy said as she broke off the hug.

"Joy! Hi. I haven't seen you in forever."

"Wow? Is that all you have to say? Anyways, we should catch up. Pizza's on the house—AKA Roy," Joy joked.

Looking slightly offended, Roy responded, "Hey!" The two continued to bicker on—as usual siblings do. I feel a bit overwhelmed by the new environment. I wish we stayed back in Starlight City. Speaking of, I miss Chuck's wings. And all my friends. And my dog, Luffy. If only he didn't get run over by that-

"Hello? Earth to Y/N," Roy flashed his hand back and forth in front of my face.

"Oh haha sorry. I was just zoning out."

"Okay so, me and Joy were thinking of hosting a housewarming party for you and your mom. What do you think?"


"Do you not like it? Uncle Louie even offered to cover all the expenses for the pizza, which is awfully unusual for him as he loves to steal workers' wages—but, whatever. You can't say no; your mom already agreed!" Joy spoke.

"Oh no, I think it's dope that you guys are doing all that for us, but it's just too overwhelming. I mean I literally just arrived here 172,800 seconds ago."

"Oh I'm sorry. We can cancel it if you like?" Joy apologetically inquired.

"No, no. It's fine. I'm just a bit stressed, but I think a party could really cheer me up," I gritted my teeth, lying. I really hate the idea of a party. I can't imagine how awkward it would be. Ugh.

A man in a chef hat—the chef—approached us, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Y/N, you're here. Where's your mother?" the man calmly spoke.

I gave a confused look at Roy to which he replied, "Y/N, that's our Uncle Louie. Everybody just calls him Papa Louie."

"Yup. The mastermind behind this restaurant's success." I could see both Roy and Joy roll their eyes. "You know, I actually owned the wingeria in Starlight city too. Impressive, right? I got some more restaurants across Flipverse. Say, you can always work here with them at the pizzeria. What do you think?"

"Ugh, don't listen to that old capitalist geezer. He's just a modern-day robber baron. Like Andrew Carnegie and the US steel industry. He acts as if he's such a kind humanitarian yet pays his employees less than Shein workers. Louie basically monopolized the entire food industry of Flipverse," Joy ranted, to which Roy nodded in agreement.

Papa Louie argued back, "Hey! It's just survival of the fittest—social darwinism. If you were smart, you would open your own restaurant."

"As if! You would just tear down any new competition, like you did with Domino's or Pizza Hut," Joy rebutted.

"Tsssk! We should just leave. They're just gonna continue arguing. Let's go!" Roy whispered into my ear, making my ears slightly blush. He seized my hand, and we sneakily crept outside amidst the chaos.

As we left, I could hear a customer yell, "HEY WHERE THE HELL IS MY ORDER? I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR OVER 20 MINUTES.  I'M LEAVING A 1 STAR YELP REVIEW!" Sheesh, what the absolute heck is going on?

Roy pulled me outside the restaurant, chuckling,  "Well...That was something, wasn't it? Anyways let's go." He grasped my hand—the warm, sweaty touch of his palm against mine.

"Wait! Where are we going?"

"Shh. You'll know in a bit. It's someplace special," he winked, making my heart skip a beat.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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