Battle Wounds and a Favour

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She is going to ask George. She thought to herself as she paced back and forward in her kitchen. George is the more sensible one. I trust him, he's calmer, thinks before he acts. Unlike his twin, a complete wild card that one.

Hermione grew close with George after the war when Fred was in a coma for well over a year. She didn't go back to school but studied for her NEWT's at the hospital to keep an eye on George and Fred. George helped her study during this time, and she pushed him out of the hospital once in a while so he could take care of himself. Her friendship with him was close, very close, like siblings. Fred was different. He still doesn't get how they became such close friends over that short period of time. Fred tried to be nice to her, friendly but it wasn't the same. Fred still teased her or wouldn't consider her feelings when he did or say something. George lectured his twin more than once about it and he settled down but still...

George definitely George. She decided and nodded her head.

She grabbed her wand from the counter and apparated in the twins living room. She turned when she heard a thump behind her. Fred lay spread out on the ground, glaring up at her.

"Merlin, Granger!" He grumbled as he climbed back up the sofa. "Can you come in a bit louder?! I was sleeping."

"It's two in the afternoon, Weasley." Hermione rolled her eyes as she scanned the room. "Where is George?"

"Out. Why?"

"I need to ask him something." She bit her lip as she strolled to the kitchen for a cup of tea. "When will he be back?"

"An hour or so, I think. Sure it's not something I can help you with?" Fred gave his lopsided grin as he leaned on the counter.

Hermione looked up from the teapot and stared at him for a moment. "No. I'll wait for George."

"Fine by me." He shrugged and headed back to the sofa. "I'll just continue my nap then."

Hermione finished her tea and walked back to the living room where he already had fallen asleep. She picked up his legs and sat down, his legs resting on her lap. She took one of the twins' books from the coffee table and started reading. After about 45 minutes, the front door opened, and George walked in carrying a large carton box.

"Hermione, love. For what do we owe the pleasure?" George asked when his eyes landed on her. "No stay seated, wouldn't want to wake up old Freddie boy now, would we?"

"No better not. I already woke him up when I came here." She chuckled as George dropped the box on the dining table and crossed the room to take a seat in front of her. "I wanted to ask you for a favor."

"Miss Granger asking me for a favor. Should I be worried?" George teased.

"No, it's just... you know Harry and Ginny's wedding is next Saturday, right?" He nodded. "I just found out Marc is going to be there."

George tensed up when she said his name. Marc was her ex; they were together for eight months. She broke up with him when she found out he was cheating on her for half of their relationship.

"Why is he coming? Harry knows what he did to you." George growled through gritted teeth.

"He's seeing Tessa, Ginny's teammate. So, he's her plus one."

"Can't Ha-"

"No, George. I don't want to make it more difficult than it already is."

George look said that he didn't agree but he let it go. "So, the favor?"

"I was wondering if you could be my plus one." She asked nervously as she fumbled with her sleeve. "You're my best friend and I don't want to face him alone."

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