When The Leaves Fall

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Hermione’s shoes echoed in the empty hallways that she walked every day, for almost six months. The walls, the floor, the ceiling was all in a dull white colour; no one in sight, except the witch at the reception, making it all eerie on the silent fifth floor. She looked out the windows and noticed the leaves turning green, red and brown: autumn really making itself present as it started to rain.  
When she reached room 527, the last room in the hallway, she slowly pushed the door open. The room was the exact opposite as the hallway as Molly and Ginny had decorated the room last weekend, filling it with pumpkins, muggle Halloween and fall decorations. Fred still laid in bed, unconscious. Just like the past months, ever since the battle at Hogwarts. Right next to him a sleeping George. She passed Fred and leaned over, gently shaking George’s shoulder. 


“Hermione? What time is it?” George asked, rubbing his eyes as he sat up from the bed next to his twin.  

“Almost eight.” She said as she started to clean up the room. “You’re meeting Lee at the shop remember?” 

“Oh yeah. Thanks for the reminder.” George smiled softly, standing up and walked to the closet and picked out his clothes and disappeared in the bathroom.  

Hermione watched him disappear behind the door and sat down on the empty chair next to Fred’s bed, unpacking her bag. George slept in Fred’s room from the moment he was brought in. The healers tried to make him leave, but nothing, no one could keep him away from his twin. So, they reluctantly let him stay. After a month of George being in his room 24/7, Molly and Hermione intervened, telling him he needed a break; to see some friends, go to the shop, anything... Hermione and Molly promised there would always be at least one person to stay with Fred when he’s away. So, it started with him going to the burrow, then meeting his friends and after three months going to their flat and the shop. George and Lee were now doing the finishing touches before the shop could open again.  

Hermione had just picked up her book when George walked back in fully dressed. He took one of the croissants Hermione brought with her in his mouth and looked over her shoulder. 

“What are you reading today?” 

“The Hobbit. I thought he would like it. I don’t think he would like me to read from Hogwarts: a history.” 

“Maybe not.” Managing a small smile. He bent down and kissed her cheek. “I’ll be back around lunch.” 

“Alright, I’ll be right here. Take your jacket, it’s raining.” 

“I know you will. Thank you for everything, Hermione.” He placed his hand on her shoulder. Hermione looked up and placed her hand on his, giving it a squeeze.  

“Anything for family.” 

After George had left, she stood up and took Fred’s hand in hers, looking at the tall sleeping ginger in front of her. Watching the slight rise and fall of his chest. All the internal damages were healed more than three months ago, his brain damage was fully healed a little over a month ago, but Fred still hasn’t woken up. The family stopped by as much as they could, but the world moved on. People had to get back to work, to school. So now it was mostly George, Molly and Hermione.  

“Goodmorning, Freddie. It’s almost Halloween. George says it is one of your favourite holidays.” Hermione whispered in the silent room as she stroked his hair with her free hand. “Don’t you think it’s time to wake up? Georgie really needs you.” She said looking at the peaceful face.  
“No? Alright then. I’ve brought a new book with me; I think you’ll like it.” She said as she shuffled her chair a bit closer to the bed and sat down. 

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