An Ice Rink

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Hermione stood stunned in the doorway as she looked at her newly decorated office. She was only gone for thirty minutes. The thing that caught her eyes was a small ice rink with little figures that moved around on her desk. And in an instant, she knew who had broken into her office.  

Hermione’s heels echoed in the empty hallway as she walked to her office at the ministry. The halls were decked with garlands, Christmas lights, trees and so much more as Christmas was in two days.  
She puffed the falling snow out of her face that started to float down right above her office door. 

“Harry.” She grumbled as she looked up at the falling snow, a little fake white cloud from the Christmas line of WWW hung above her door.  At least it’s only snow.  She thought to herself, knowing it could be much worse. 

She pushed her office door open and after one step, she stopped. She looked in shock slowly around her office. While it was a bit gloom and bare before she left for lunch, it was now filled with Christmas decorations. Fake snow covered her closet that stood beneath the window. A large fully decorated Christmas tree was standing in the corner of her office, behind her desk.  
Light filled garlands were hanging on her walls, all around the room. When she stepped further in, bells started to ring. Her eyes flickered to her desk, that too was filled with decorations. Two little red bells were flying over the edge of her desk, the sound filled the silent room. Next to it a dozen of little figures skated on makeshift ice-skating rink on her desk, surrounded by tiny Christmas trees. She crouched down next to her desk as she looked at the figurines in front of her.  

She gasped slightly as she recognized each one as they twirled around on her desk. She saw a tiny Ron, Percy and Charlie as they clumsily tried to skate. Bill and Fleur skated by, elegantly, hand in hand.  
Draco, dignified as ever, guided Harry around the rink, holding Harry’s hands as he skated backwards. Ginny and Luna were leaning against a tree, huddled together as they laughed at George, who skated around the rink, dressed as Santa.  
Hermione’s thoughts flickered back to her fourth year, when the twins tried to cross the age line for the tournament, turning themselves in their old grey selves with a long white beard. She chuckled when another skating figurine caught her eye. It was her, in the clothes she wore the first time she went ice skating with the Weasleys. She was skating pirouettes on the ice, her hair was blowing in the wind as it started to snow on her desk. Her eyes caught the last red head, the oldest twin was sitting on the ice, crossed legged as he watched her twirl circles around herself. A smile appeared on her lips as she looked to the petite Fred. After watching tiny Fred for a while, her eyes shifted again and saw the moving figurines of Mr. And Mrs. Weasley sitting on a bench with hot chocolate as they watched their kids on the ice. Next to the ice rink was a little wooden chalet with a large bar just outside, leaning on the bar, laughing and drinking were Angelina and Lee, who looked over at the ice rink. 

Hermione didn’t know how long she looked at the little figures on her desk, but she finally straightened back up when her knees started to hurt for crouching down for so long. She rounded the desk and flopped down on her chair as she pulled her work back towards her. She already had a pretty good idea who decorated her office in a span of thirty minutes, but she was surprised he didn’t rearrange or mess up her files.  

She tried to keep her focus on the papers in front of her. To help the werewolves get a steady job and fair wages, but the decorations in her office kept distracting her. The moving figurines in the corner of her eye, the bells that jingled every ten minutes, the flickering lights in the tree or on the garlands, everything. 

After an hour, she sighed with a smile as she pushed her chair back and put on her winter cloak. The whole ice rink was on a plateau, so she shrunk the rink and carefully put it in her enlarged bag. She walked out of her office and with a wave of her wand she locked the door behind her.  
She walked past the floo network in the large foyer of the ministry, wanting to enjoy the fresh air and snow outside, after being cooped up all day. She pulled her coat a little tighter around her neck when she opened the door to the busy street, the wind and the snow cold against her cheeks. She walked through the creaky snow, watching the Christmas lights around the city as she made her way to the leaky cauldron. The door of the old bar opened itself as she stepped in and shook the snow out of her hair as she rubbed her hands warm.  

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