Fall Traditions

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It was a couple of days until Halloween and Hermione was standing in a large field filled with pumpkins in all sizes and colours. She took in a deep breath of autumn air, looking around the field. This was her favourite time of the year; cool air, coloured leaves, pulling out her favourite sweaters and of course pumpkins: pumpkin soup, pumpkin latté and pumpkin carving. She walked through the field, passing lots of children with their parents as she looked for the best ones. This is the first time she going to enjoy this time of the year with her boyfriend. The wizard in question didn't know about these muggle traditions but she wanted to introduce it to him, because she loved it so much. So, she picked out not two but four of the best pumpkins she could find and placed them in her wooden wheelbarrow, before heading out of the field.

It took all of her concentration and a deserted alley before she apparated from muggle London to WWW. When she landed in the empty backroom, she had to balance herself. When she was sure she wouldn't fall or let everything drop she made her way to the stairs. Hermione crunched up her noise as she found it weird when the shop was completely quiet and empty, even though it was a Sunday. She walked up the stairs with great difficulty as she carried the four large pumpkins in her arms. When she reached the top, she kicked the door with her foot.

"Boys? I need a bit of help." She called through the door.

She heard feet shuffling in the apartment before the door flew open. The twins stood there, their hair the same colour as the pumpkins in her arms. The boys grinned as they saw the petite witch almost buried in pumpkins.

"Uhm, Hermione..." George started as he took one of the pumpkins from her. "What are you doing here with four pumpkins?"

"A bit much for soup isn't it, love?" Fred said, picking up the other two pumpkins before he leaned in for a kiss. Hermione smiled against his lips as they heard George behind them.

"Enough with the PDA. I've seen enough of that the last two months."

"You're just jealous, you don't have a beautiful bird of your own." Fred grinned as he stepped back to let Hermione in, who in turn scoffed at the word bird.

Fred and George placed the pumpkins on the table and stood back, studying them, before looking at Hermione, who was digging in her bag. She pulled out what looked like a muggle pencil case and put it on the table. Fred tried to reach for it, but she slapped his hand away. Fred and George looked wide-eyed at each other as she pulled out two more cases, before looking up smiling.

"We can make soup from it if you want, but that's not the reason I went to the pumpkin patch."

"Pumpkin patch?" The boys asked confused.

"Yes, it's a muggle tradition. And well I thought..." She glanced at Fred nervously.

"You can show us all the muggle traditions hou want, love." Fred said as he kissed the top of her head.

George rolled his eyes at his twin, muttering: "Whipped." Fred stuck out his tongue to his brother before looking back at his girlfriend, who continued talking as she didn't hear George's teasing.

"So, I went pumpkin picking. It's a large field where you can choose your own pumpkins. And that's where these things come in." She said as she opened the first case. The twins' eyes went wide in shock as they saw the tools, taking a step back.

"I don't know what you're planning but..." George said looking between Hermione and the tools, taking a step back. "It was just a little prank, nothing dangerous!"

"These aren't for you, George." Hermione laughed as she sat down at the table. "But I will get you back for that. No, these are for the pumpkins."

Fred sat down next to her, laughing. He grabbed one of the cases and zipped it open, looking at the tools inside. George frowned a bit, looking at the dangerous tools before sitting across from Hermione, still looking wary.

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