The Pitch

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Hermione Granger groaned as she saw Viktor Krum walk in the library followed by his giggling fan club. She tried to ignore it but the girls were hidden behind the bookcase right next to her. She slammed her book shut and glared over her shoulder before packing her things and heading out. She really needed someplace quiet to study. The common room was not an option, obviously, just like the great hall. She could check the dormitory but she knew the moment Lavender and Parvati walked in, they wouldn't shut up. She wandered around the castle looking for the perfect place. She looked out the window and saw a big oak tree near the lake, nobody in sight. She hurried down the steps and walked out the doors and was greeted by the sun that shined down on her. Taking in a deep breath, smelling the autumn air, she followed the path to the lake as she buttoned up her coat. When she reached the lake, her heart dropped as she saw a group of Slytherins nearing the spot. She changed direction and let her feet take her away. She didn't know where she was going, she was just enjoying the breeze and the sun as she walked the grounds.

The next thing she knew she was standing next to the quidditch pitch. She looked around but no one was there, so she slipped inside. She walked up to the middle of the pitch and looked around. It was weird being here when there was no match, no noise, no cheering... absolute silence. Because of the Triwizard championship quidditch had been cancelled. Although some still trained, it wasn't as much as they normally would. She turned in circles, looking at the high stands. Then it hit her. She smiled as she readjusted her bag and walked to the tower that was still in the Gryffindor colors. She stepped inside and looked up at the stairs that went all the way up. She sighed as she started making her way up there. Halfway up she opened the buttons of her coat as she grew hot. Once she was finally up, high in the stands, she put down her bag and shook off her coat. She put a cushioning charm on the wooden planks and laid her books on the bench before she dropped down. She lifted her chin and took in the sun and the light breeze before she pulled out her potions essay. Finally working in silence.

That's where she would go for now on. While everyone thought she was in the library, she found her sanctuary in the high stands of the quidditch pitch. When the weather started to get colder, she took her small blue flames in a jar with her to keep her warm. Even when it started to rain, she would conjure and place an invisible umbrella over her and her books. Ginny asked her where she had gone as she couldn't find her at the library. Not really wanting to give away her hiding spot, she told her that she left the library a little before because of Krum and his groupies. She came here almost everyday by now. Only needed to go to the library when some of the quidditch players from different houses gathered at the pitch to play a friendly game.

She was now working on her transfiguration essay for professor McGonagall when she heard laughter coming from down below. She looked over the banister and saw two identical red heads walking on the pitch carrying their brooms on one shoulder and their beaters bat in their other hand. She saw them mount their brooms as she turned to her seat, quickly casting a disillusionment charm on herself and her schoolwork. She leaned back against the bench behind her as she saw the twins fly up, holding their beaters bat. George, she thought, hard to see from far away, flicked his wand and the bludger shot up in the air. She watched them as the bludger shot through the air and Fred flew after it, sending it straight back to George. Hermione gasped as the bludger missed a grinning George by an inch.

"You gotta try harder than that, Freddie." He laughed as he chucked the bludger at his twin. Fred flew up and turned on his broom, hanging upside down as he hit the bludger away from him. Hermione watched them play for over half an hour, admiring the things they could do on a broom. She didn't even like to fly a few feet above the ground, let alone doing the things the twins did.

Still in disguise she pointed her wand at George making his robes fly up over his face. Fred cackled as he saw George's surprised face as he looked around, looking for the cause. Thinking it was just the wind, he shrugged and turned his attention back to Fred. Hermione grinned before she pointed her wand at the bludger that was flying towards Fred. Small boils covered the bludger and when Fred hit it with his bat, the boils popped open and Fred was covered with goo. Hermione had to bit her lip hard so her laugh couldn't escape. Both twins looked shocked at what happened and after Fred cleaned himself up and punched George on the shoulder because he was still laughing at him. They flew around the pitch looking for a potential culprit. When they didn't find anyone, they resumed their game but kept glancing around suspiciously.

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