Dancing Flames

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The snow on the windowsill of the Gryffindor common room was quickly piling up as Hermione sat in front of the fireplace, with her back against the couch. Her eyes followed the flames that danced around, completely zoned out. A large plaided cover was draped over her shoulders, while she wore a black/red checkered flannel pyjama. Her knees were pulled up to her chest, a cup of hot chocolate rested on the top. She took in a relaxed breath as the flames reflected in her eyes. 

Fred came down from the boys’ dormitories wearing dark jeans and a burgundy shirt, ready to head to the Christmas party at the Hufflepuff common room. He stopped in the middle of the common room when he saw the familiar bushy haired girl sitting in the otherwise empty common room. He tiptoed closer as he looked at the girl he had a crush on for the past few months. Fred leaned on the back of the couch and pulled out his wand. He aimed it at the fireplace and the flames turned into a couple, that waltzed between the flames. He smiled when Hermione let out a small gasp and leaned forward, closer to the flames.  

“You like it?” He asked quietly, but even in the empty room it sounded loud. Hermione jumped a bit in surprise and turned to look at Fred. 

“You scared me, Fred.” 

“Sorry.” He grinned sheepishly, before rounding the couch and slid down next to her. He aimed his wand again and the flames turned into two dragons circling each other. 

“How do you that?” She asked with big round eyes. 

Fred shrugged as he watched the dragons. “Don’t know. George and I learned it when we were young. But then it was just shaped and figures, now we can change it into anything.” 

“That’s amazing.” She tore her eyes away from the dragons and looked up at Fred, with a frown. “Why aren’t you at the famous Hufflepuff Christmas party?” 

“I needed a powernap after quidditch practice. Just got ready.” He twirled his wand again and it changed into a couple of players flying around on a broom, tossing a Quaffle between them. “Aren’t you going?” 

“Does it look like I’m going to a party?” She chuckled as she gestured to her pyjamas. 

“Maybe you’re making a fashion statement.” Fred clicked his tongue, grinning. Hermione couldn’t help but laugh at his expression. “Why aren’t you going?” 

“Cormac will be there. And he is seriously giving me the creeps.” 

“Hm, yeah. He’s a real creep. And I know you can handle it yourself, but if he ever bothers you, you can always come to me or Georgie.” 

“Thanks.” She offered him a small smile before looking back at the fire, sipping her cup. When Fred didn’t make a move to stand up, she turned and cocked her head up at him. “Aren’t you going?” 

“Not just yet.” He smiled as he looked at the flames, turning them once again. Now the flames turned into a girl, reading a book with a cat curled up at her feet.  

“I know you were planning on drinking something stronger, but would you like some hot chocolate?” She asked holding up her thermos, hoping he would stay a little longer.  

“Yeah, thanks.”  

Hermione transfigured a piece of log into a dark red cup with a golden-letter F on it before she poured him a cup and handed it over. The fingers brushed each other as he took the cup, their eyes met for a moment before Hermione looked down, blushing. Fred watched her for a moment as he sipped his cup of hot chocolate. 

“Wow, that’s amazing!” 

“Dobby makes it. It’s dark Belgian chocolate with a pinch of chili powder. It’s my favourite.” 

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