Embellished in a white caftan, Affan Sprint out of Salman's bedroom. Masha Allah fatabaraqa Allahu Ahsanul khalikin. My Son looks so good. Hajiya Maimuna muttered.
Affan smiled.
May Allah bless your marriage. Hajiya Maimuna prayed.Salman walked to Affan held his hand and took him out of the living room.
Where is Adnan? Affan ask Salman.
He is...
I'm here. Adnan muttered.
Affan hug him and whisper are you sure Ummi will bless the marriage?
She will because I pleaded with her. Adnan whisper back.
Affan Humm.
They walk to the car and enter inside.Adnan ignite the car engine and zoomed out of Alhaji Usman's house.
He drive to the mosque.
Throughout the drive to the mosque, Affan was silently reciting the Azkhar.
Adnan reached the mosque and parked his car.
He Saunter out of the car and open the door for Affan.
Adnan take Affan out and take him inside.
He sit down beside the Imaan.
The Imaan began by praying for Affan.Necessary things were done and the Imaan announced that the knot has been tied.
Affan, you are officially a married man now. Congratulations. The Imaan announced.
Affan thanks him.
Congratulations, Son. Doc Salim congratulate him.
Affan stand up and hold Adnan's hand.
They dash out of the mosque.Adnan You will take him to Kamila's house to greet her family before taking him home. Doc Salim muttered.
Adnan muttered okay.
He inform Affan and he nod his head.Affan greet Kamila's family and snap picture with the bride.
Adnan took him to the car and drove to his parent's house.
Adnan, I'm nervous. Affan muttered.
Adnan squeeze his hand gently. Inn Sha Allah everything will be alright. Adnan muttered.
Affan Humm.
Adnan reach the house and the gateman open the gate for him.
Adnan and Salman drove inside the house.They park their car in the parking lot and Saunter out of the car.
Adnan lead the way.
Affan and Salman trail behind him.
Affan's heart skipped a beat immediately he stepped foot in the living room.
Ummi, Adnan called.
Affan and Salman sit on the couch.
Adnan climb upstairs and heads towards Hajiya Hafsah's bedroom.Hajiya Hafsah tiptoed out of the kitchen with a pot of hot water.
She splashes the hot water on Affan and Salman.
Subahanallah! Affan and Salman muttered.
They stand up abruptly.
Didn't I warn you not to step foot in my house selfish boy?
You ruined Your sister's relationship and happily got married.
What do you want? You want me to bless the marriage? You are mistaken because I will never do such a thing. Hajiya Hafsah thundered.Ya Affan, she is not...
Adnan halt in his track he glance at Affan and Salman then his mother who hold pot in her hand.
Ummi what did you do to them? Adnan muttered with a cracked voice.
I pour hot water on them. Hajiya Hafsah muttered.
Affan I got humiliated because of this woman. This evil woman.
My back hurt. Salman muttered.
Sorry Salman but please don't call my mother an evil woman.
Affan that's what she is. She is evil. She is heartless.Salman don't call my mother that! Affan thundered.
Can you two leave my house? Leave. You can fight outside but not in my house. Hajiya Hafsah thundered.
She push Affan and Salman out of the living room.
Ummi, why are you doing this? What do you gain by treating your child badly?
Ummi did someone influence you to do this? Ya Affan hasn't done anything to you. Please forgive him.
He is pained.
Do you want him to die of depression? He is suffering. Adnan cried.Hajiya Hafsah wipes off her tears and stormed out of the living room.
Adnan wipe off his tears and run to Salman's car.
Salman, I'm sorry about what happened. Please forgive my Mom.
Please don't blame my brother for it. Adnan pleaded.
It's okay. Do you want to join us? Salman asked.
Yes. Adnan muttered.

Misterio / SuspensoUmmi why do you despise me so much? Is it because of my condition? Ummi I didn't make myself blind. Allah made me who I am and it's not because he loves my siblings and doesn't love me. Ummi if I should accept my condition as qadr why can't you? Aff...