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Embellished in a black shirt and hash sweatpants, Affan puff a sigh grab his phone and walk out of his bedroom.
He quietly marched to Khadija's room and slightly knocked on the door.
With a deep breath, he twist the doorknob and walk in.

Khadijah held Jawad's picture in her hand.
Lone tears stream down her cheek.
Affan clear his throat to make his presence known.
Khadijah pivot her gaze to Affan, with a monotonous look she let out a little smile.

Affan take a step forward and sit beside her.
Dee, when will you stop mourning Jawad?
Until my last breath. Khadijah replied with a cracked voice.
Hubby, Jawad is one year old. One year six months that Amaan took our Son away.
Hubby, we don't know if Jawad is alive or dead.

Affan shook his head.
He take the picture from khadijah and drops it aside.
Let's keep praying, Dee.
Affan whispered.
Silent ensue except for their silent breath that echo in the room.

Lagos Nigeria

Jawad, where are you?
Samira hollered.
She threw the door open checked the bathroom and couldn't find Jawad.
Her heart skipped a beat.
Samira run out of the room.
Jawad baby, come out else I will not give you cereal. Samira hollered.

Jawad, Samira called.
Samira twirl around she heard a clamorous sound from the kitchen.
Samira troth to the kitchen and behold the little boy she has been searching for holding a glass of cup and the other ones broken.

Jawad! Samira raise her hand to hit him.
Jawad shuddered and threw the glass cup with a trembling hand.
Jawad blink his eyes at Samira innocently.
Jawad don't ever enter the kitchen again. Samira warn sternly.

He take Jawad out.
Samira take him to his room and lock the door.
I will delay your meal for stressing me out.
Samira slammed the door shut and locked it up with the key.

She returned to the kitchen and cleared the mess.
I can't wait for him to clock 4 so that Mr Amaan would take him away. Samira hissed.

Abuja Nigeria

Ya Affan, won't you stop Afnan from marrying Khalil? I have an eerie feeling about him.
Adnan, Afnan is your sister too. Stop the wedding. I don't want to be involved in the matter anymore. Affan release a tiring sigh.
Ya Affan, Ummi wouldn't allow me to do so.
She gave me a condition. If I stop Afnan from marrying Khalil then I will not marry Asma.
Adnan, then let them be. Let's pray for Afnan's safety. Affan let out.

Goodbye, bro. Affan muttered and disconnected the call.
Affan tickle Khadijah who is lost in her trance.
Hubby, stop.
No, I will not. Affan kept tickling her until she burst into a fit of laughter.
Khadijah throw her head back with laughter.

Khadijah took the pillow and hit Affan.
Affan retaliate.
They began to throw pillows at each other.
Their emotions wearing off and replaced with enthusiasm.
I miss your smile. Affan whisper.
He watched khadijah laugh.
Affan engulf Khadijah in a hug.
He hid his head at the crook of her neck.

Affan pulled away and cupped her cheek in his palm.
He watch her lips moving in sync as she laugh.
With a smirk that crept at the corner of his lip. Without hesitation, Affan slam his lip on hers.
Khadijah was taken aback by the unexpected reflex action but nevertheless, she shrugged off the thought of pulling back and slide his lip in.
She open her mouth a little to allow her husband to devour her lip.

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