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Affan finish having his breakfast.
He send the address of the place he want to meet with Salman. He stand up and take a long stride upstairs.
Affan enter Khadija's bedroom.
He walk to the bed and sit beside her.
Should we go to the hospital?
I will be alright. Khadijah muttered.
Dee who will drive me there?
Hubby! Khadijah arc a confused brow at him.

I can't drive.
Hubby you are joking right?
I'm serious. Have you forgotten who I was? A blind man who got his sight back recently.
I am like a Newborn baby.
Everything is new for me, everywhere is New.
I'm yet to get adapted to the environment.
I will take you there. Khadijah muttered.

No, You ain't feeling well.
Promise me you will teach me how to drive but until you are strong. Affan squeeze Khadija's hand.
He stare into her eyes.
Hubby lower your gaze.
No, I won't I can't get enough of you. I wish I will always watch you.
I love your lips.
Sexy, Affan whispered in her ear.
Yours too. Khadijah whisper back.
But what I love most are your orifice and dimples, your smile too.
Hubby smile for your Haven. Khadijah muttered.

Affan chuckle and burst into a fit of laughter.
I didn't say you should laugh. I'm not interested in seeing your teeth. Khadijah mumble.
You love them too. You love everything about me.
Don't deny it. Affan muttered.
Yes, I do. Khadijah muttered.
Khadijah leaned her head on his shoulder and started singing Rahmatun Lil Alamin by Mahr Zain.
Affan Join her and their voice fill the room.

Affan's phone started ringing.
He glance at it.
Salman. Affan muttered.
He picked up his call and informed him the time they would meet.
Haven I will get going. See you later please take care of yourself.
I love you. Affan muttered.
He peck her on her lip.
I won't cease to do that often. Affan muttered.
Khadijah shook her head.
He walk to the door and saunter out of the bedroom.

Affan march downstairs.
He open the door and saunter out of the living room.
Affan saw Hafiz.
He began his act.
Hafiz. Affan hollered.
Hafiz ran to him.
Good morning Sir.
How are you?
I'm fine.
Hafiz can you drive?
Yes, Sir.
Affan show him the address of where he is going.
Please take me there. Affan muttered.
He give Hafiz the car key.

Hafiz turned to leave.
Hafiz have you forgotten I can't see?
Take me to the parking lot. Affan muttered.
Hafiz nod his head and take Affan's hand.
He take Affan to the parking lot and open the car door for him.
Affan hop in.
Hafiz run to the gate and open the gate.
He return to the car hop in and ignite the car engine.
Hafiz zoom out of the house.

Affan watch the environment and the people walking on the pavement.
Hafiz reach the destination.
Sir should I drive inside?
Yes. Affan muttered.
Hafiz drove inside and parked the car in the parking lot.
He Saunter out of the car and open the door for Affan.
Affan Saunter out of the car too.
Sir this place is so quiet.
Hafiz take me inside. Affan command.

Hafiz take Affan inside.
Sir Your seat is ready.
Affan sit down.
A lady walk in with a bottle of water and drop it on the table.
Hafiz stand beside Affan like his bodyguard.
Affan's phone started ringing.
He pick up the call.
I am there, where are you? Salman asked.
Hafiz go to the gate and bring my friend in. Affan muttered.
Okay Sir. Hafiz muttered and rushed out of the building.

Salman follow Hafiz inside.
Affan pivot his gaze to the door.
He abruptly stand up from the chair.
This is Salman.
The one I grew up together with, the only friend I have.
Ya, Rabb! I can see you, Salman.
You are handsome.
Masha Allah.
Affan, Salman hug Affan.

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