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Khadijah believes everything is over for her after accepting to marry Amaan.
I'm sorry, Affan. This is the only way to save you from Amaan. Khadijah cried.
Khadijah pick her phone and Dial Amaan's number.
Amaan pick up at the third ring.
Sweetheart! Should we start the wedding preparation?
What do you want?

Amaan, please give me two days to comprehend the decision I made.
Khadijah, I can't.
Amaan, please. Khadijah pleaded.
Okay, but I will get your divorce paper ready.
You will sign on it and Affan will sign too.
Amaan, not today, please. Khadijah pleaded.
Khadijah your family are still with me don't forget.
I can kill them whenever I like.

Okay, I will sign the divorce paper. Khadijah muttered.
Good girl.
I will soon be in your house.
Get the company's document ready too.
Okay. Khadijah muttered.
She disconnected the call.

Khadijah, I'm sorry I made you do this. Najah muttered.
Khadijah shook her head without altering a word.
Few minutes later, Khadijah and Najah heard the buzzer of a car.
Khadijah peep through the window.
Her heart began to beat rapidly.
Amaan drove inside and parked his car.
He walk out of the car and march inside.

My wife.
I can't wait to make you mine.
Amaan take out the divorce paper from his pocket and give it to Khadijah.
Khadijah flick back her tears and sign the paper with a trembling hand.
She hand over the bag of documents to Amaan.
Amaan check them and smile.

Amaan now that I have given you what you demand and also agree to marry you please let my family go. Khadijah pleaded.
I will not let them go until I marry you. Amaan muttered and dashed out of the living room.
Khadijah let's inform the police. Najah suggested.
No, Amaan will kill everyone.
He is watching us. Khadijah muttered.

Khadijah and Najah sat down in the living room with no hope of seeing their family soon.

Amaan reach the building he keep Affan.
He park his car and walk out of the car.
Amaan marched inside and turned on the light.
He walk to Affan and splash water on his face.
Affan gasped for air.
He sniff.
Your wife agreed to marry me and she has signed the divorce paper.
It's your turn to sign it. Amaan muttered callously.

He untie Affan's hands and give him the paper and pen.
Khadija's last word keep churning in Affan's head.
I will marry you, Amaan.
No, you will not marry him.
I know you said that out of frustration and fear.
Haven, you are mine only. Affan muttered inwardly.

Sign it. Stop wasting my time or should I get your spectacle?
You were once a blind man.
Affan gritted his teeth and tore the paper into pieces.
I will not divorce my wife.
She is mine only. Affan spat.
How dare you? Amaan attacked Affan and began to hit him.
Amaan! Affan groan out in pain.
Please, stop. Affan pleaded.
Will you sign the divorce paper if I stop?
Affan didn't say a word.

Amaan hiss and continue his torture.
Amaan take the pressing iron and plug it into the socket.
He raised it and tore Affan's trousers revealing his bare lap.
Will you sign the paper or do you want me to burn your lap and then make you blind?
Amaan show him a bottle of acid.
Affan's heart started thumping on its ribcage.

Amaan Allah will punish you for this. Affan cried.
Affan you are stubborn, right? Okay, let's see who has power here.
Amaan, I don't have strength to fight you now but Allah is my strength.
Amaan hiss and press the iron on Affan's lap.
Affan scream.
Amaan, please. My lap is burning.
Amaan, please. Affan cried.

Amaan smirk.
Affan, are you crying?
It's hurting right?
Then say yes I will sign the paper and I will let you go.
I will never divorce her.
But she divorce you, Affan.
Khadijah willingly signed the paper.
Don't you think she doesn't love you?
If she does she won't sign the paper too.

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