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Najah and Alhaji Abdulmajid walk in.
Khadijah, please stop crying. You will fall sick. Najah muttered.
Mummy I will stop crying when my Son return to me safely.
Daddy has Affan called? Khadijah asked.
They were able to reach Amaan.
Daddy, is my Son alright? Khadijah sit up abruptly.

Daddy, why are you quiet?
Khadijah Amaan has already sold your Son out.
No, Khadijah scream.
Nafisah hold her firmly.
Khadijah Sabr, please. Jawad need your prayers. Najah muttered.
Mummy, my Son is just 9 month old. He will be hungry. Khadijah cried.

Daddy, please call my husband again.
Where is my phone?
Call Muhsin too. Please call them. Khadijah pleaded.
She search for her phone.
Khadijah, Alhaji Abdulmajid called.
Daddy, please.
Khadijah you will fall sick.
Your husband is worried too.
We shouldn't bombard him with calls.
Let's be patient.
Khadijah shook her head and placed her head on her stepmother's lap.

Ya Rabb, protect my grandson. Alhaji Abdulmajid prayed.
They watched Khadijah until she fall asleep.
Najah stood up and adjusted her head to the pillow.
I pray she find Solace in her sleep. Najah muttered with a sigh.
She wouldn't. Alhaji Abdulmajid add-in.

They quietly exit the room.
Alhaji Abdulmajid and his wife perform ablution.
They pray two raqaat prayer and pray for his grandson's safety.

Lagos Nigeria

Amaan please go back to that place and bring back my Son or give us the address of the daycare. I promise to give you the company and everything you asked for.
Amaan burst into a fit of laughter.
Affan, do you think I'm a fool? What do you think of me?
Do you think I will fall into your trap?
You are together with the policemen.
I would advise you to go home and take care of your wife because your Son will not be given back to you.

Oh, yes you said you would give me whatever I asked for.
I want you to divorce your wife and I will give you back your Son. You will also give me back the company. Amaan muttered callously.
Ya, Affan don't do it. Adnan muttered.
Amaan, why are you so heartless? Amaan, you will regret your actions. Adnan yell.

Amaan I love my wife, I cannot divorce her.
I will give you everything I have including my salary. You will be the one receiving it but please let me have my Son.
Amaan hissed and disconnected the call.
Affan called him back but his phone was switched off.
Affan smash his phone on the ground frustratedly.

Samira paced impatiently in front of the pediatric ward.
The door crack open.
Samira rush to the doctor.
Doctor, how is my Son? Samira asked worriedly.
Are you his Mom? Samira scratched her nape.
Are you?
Yes, I am. Samira lied.

What do you feed him with last? Is it your breast milk? The Doctor asked.
No, Doctor. Samira muttered.
Your Son is allergic to the milk you gave him.
Don't give it to him again else his life will be in danger. The Doctor muttered.
Okay, Doc. Samira muttered.
She enter the ward and glance at the baby sleeping tiredly.

Poor boy. Samira muttered.
Samira call Amaan.
His phone was switched off. Samira hissed.
She call his other numbers.
Mr, Amaan you need to return this baby to his mother.
He need his mom. Samira muttered.

Sam, why are you acting like this is your first time taking care of babies?
My friend told me that's your business.
It is but this boy is sick. The milk I gave him last night made him fall sick.
The Doctor said he is allergic to the milk. Samira explain.
Then try giving him natural milk. Amaan muttered exasperatedly.

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