Affan heard the call of Adhan. He flutter his eyes open. Affan sniffed. He weakly sit up.
Affan groan out in pain. Affan has never imagined a day will ever come when he will be thrown out of his father's house.
Affan stand up and stretch his body.
He Saunter out of the building and marched to the mosque.
He perform ablution and join the cue.Affan finished praying he raised his hand and prayed to the Lord to ease his Affairs.
Affan take out his phone. Alhamdullilah it didn't spoil. Affan muttered.
He called Salman.
Salman, are you at home? Affan muttered immediately Salman pick up.Affan, are you alright? Why is your voice down? Are you sick? Salman throw the questions at him.
Salman please come and pick me up. Affan sniff.
Salman muttered okay and hung up.
A yawn escape Affan's mouth.
Affan lye down on the carpeted floor inside the mosque.
Affan doze off.Salman arrived at Affan's house.
He take out of phone from his pocket and call Affan.Subahanallah! Affan flutter his eyes open due to the vibrating sound of his phone.
Affan picked up the call.
Where are you? Salman asked.
I'm inside the mosque outside the house. Affan replied.
Salman muttered okay and hung up.
He open the door and saunter out of the car.Salman enter the mosque.
Assalamualaikum, Salman muttered.
Wa Alaikum salam. Affan replied.
Affan sniffed again.
Did you enter the rain Last night? Salman asked.
Affan, you are not a child why did you enter the rain? Salman muttered.
Salman hissed tired of Affan humming.Will you continue humming or you will tell me why you call me? The weather is cold. Salman muttered.
Salman, Affan call with a cracked voice.
I don't have a home. Affan let out.
Salman chuckle.
Do you want to leave your father's house?Salman Ummi sent me out of the house last night because I tried to correct Afnan.
The guy Afnan is dating has been humiliating her. He doesn't love her.
Sameer is not a good person.
I made you research him right?
Afnan got angry and started crying.
She reported me to Ummi.Afnan hate me now. She want me to leave the house.
She hate to see me. My presence disgust her.
Ummi agreed with her and sent me out of the house.
I pleaded with her to let me stay for the night but she refused.
I stayed under the rain knocking on the gate but nobody opened the gate for me.
I left my shop key inside my room.
I couldn't sleep in the shop.
I spend my night inside the uncompleted building. Affan muttered.Affan this is too much. We need to file a case against her.
What about Adnan? Didn't he stop her? Salman asked.
Adnan spend his night in his office. He is not back home. Affan muttered.
Salman take Affan out.
They walk to the uncompleted building and take the luggage.Salman put the luggage inside the car booth and locked it up.
He open the door for Affan and he hop in.
Salman hop in and zoom out of the house.********
Afnan have you prepared breakfast for Ya Affan? I will go to his room and check on him. Adnan muttered tiredly.
Afnan Humm.
Afnan why humming? What is wrong with Ya Affan? Adnan asked.
I send him out of the house.
Affan has finally left the house. We will all be happy now. Hajiya Hafsah muttered.Ummi You did that to him. You send your Son out of the house at night.
You are so heartless. You are evil. Ummi if anything happen to my brother I will not forgive you. Adnan spat and stormed out of the kitchen.
Adnan, come back here. Adnan. Hajiya Hafsah hollered.
Ummi let him be. Afnan hold Hajiya Hafsah back.
Ummi if Adnan want to follow his brother let him go. Adnan and Affan are the stupid Children among us. Amaan muttered with a hiss.

Mystery / ThrillerUmmi why do you despise me so much? Is it because of my condition? Ummi I didn't make myself blind. Allah made me who I am and it's not because he loves my siblings and doesn't love me. Ummi if I should accept my condition as qadr why can't you? Aff...