I am Tired.

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My love, I am tired.
I can feel the restraints as I pry away from the sheets of my bed. I can feel the weight that settles in my shoulders and the shake in my legs as I step.
My love, I can feel my mind begin to wander and be lured to the darkness, despite how it claws and pleas to be released.
My love, I fear I am slipping, I fear to fall back and discard my efforts.
My love, I was so close.
My love, I call you this not for the sake of formality or familiarity, but rather to hold me sane. I shall not slip, I shall not fall, and I shall not through it all away.
My love, you are my rope. You are my light. Our souls are entwined, and to hurt mine would mean to harm yours, and I couldn't bear to see you cry.
I am tired.
I fear that I have lost.
It grows difficult to rise from the confines of my sheets, now feeling like chains are wrapping my body. The weight on my shoulders now spreads through my empty shell as I feel it buckle at the pressure. My legs no longer shake with each step but rather give out entirely.
My mind is shrouded in the dark, but still, it claws and screams to be free, but the darkness is brutal, and effort is futile; for you can never see what's in it.
It seems that I slipped and fell; but I was so close.
I through it all away.
My love...it sounds so foreign to me now; after all, you were never mine from the start.

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