Wish I Knew

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I don't know how to word it. I don't know how to say it clearly, put it in a way so that it seems as if the words are falling from my mouth flawlessly. I don't know how to make my voice sound as if it were velvet or sweet honey. I wish I knew; I would tell you everything, every nitty gritty detail of how my day had been, every fascination that crossed my mind. I would pour out my heart to you, I would scream out every thought I ever had; not literally though, I would pick the best words, the ones that truly explained how I felt. If only I knew what these words were, then maybe I could tell you, but for now, I think I'll keep it to myself, I'll hold on to it no matter how bad my heart stings, I'd rather you hear me clearly and breathe than suffocate from my nonsensical words.

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