His necklace

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It's silent. Your heart is feeling heavy with despair as you cling onto Harry, fighting back your tears and sadness. But he knows what is wrong and he tries to comfort you but he himself feels helpless seeing you like this, watching you struggle with your emotions. You've not been talking much for the past hours and just clinging to him in every way possible. It's so silent that Harry can hear your breathings, and the thoughts you never voiced.

Sometimes, you tend to get upset over things and situations which you know are bound to happen. You spend your time knowing it's going to hurt and there's nothing you can do about it. It's like an inescapable cycle.

You know he will eventually leave, he has to. You know he can't be with you every moment, but just knowing this doesn't lessen your pain. You find it difficult to struggle even with the thought of being separated from him and being alone again. He knows this is all happening inside you.

There are times when you feel homesick and struggle to cope with living away from home for your studies. It's vacation time, and your flatmate has gone back to her home. As for you, your financial situation just didn't allow you to go home this time. You felt hardcore isolated and homesick, you called your family but that just resulted in missing them even more. You called Harry and upon hearing that you are on break, he decided to visit you cause it had been a long while since you last met. Now, he has spent the past week with you, putting off his commitments but he cannot anymore, he has to go now. Your time together is coming to an end.

Oh! he will be gone and you'll be homesick once again.

"We've been quiet for some time now..." he breaks the silence, running his fingers through your hair.

You are snuggling each other firmly on your small bed, your body is pressed against his as you're on his lap, feeling his heartbeat against yours. Your nose buried in his neck, breathing in his scent. You nod and pull away, sitting up to face him.

Your eyes are gathering the moisture, "yeah,..." you rub your eyes. Harry notices that you're at the verge of breaking down.

"c'mon, don't be sad now." he whispers softly, moving to rub your arm to comfort you. "We had some good times, didn't we? And we will keep that up for sure, I promise, but right now I have to leave."

He caresses your cheek as you sigh, nodding. "I understand."

Within this week of yours. You did have some good times. The lazy mornings; waking up and still laying in bed together, enjoying the quietness and peace.
Fun afternoons, the little activities you two had done; painting, baking and watching funny videos on YouTube. The evening walks to flower shops and stationary stores. And the loving nights; the kisses and whispers, intimate and mischief moments, even staying up all night and doing late night talks.

He sits straight as something clicks his mind. He looks around for his sling bag, which is far next to him on the bed. He leans on his side, moving and dragging the small bag to him while you stay sitting on his lap.

He unzips the bag and searches for... something. He pulls out a small transparent plastic pouch. You quietly watch him, your palms resting on the side of his waist. He takes out a necklace.

"Here..." He puts that thin chain around your neck. You look down at it. It's his banana necklace but now it also has the letter 'H' dangling on it. you take it in between your fingertips. "Remember, when you told me that you wanted to wear my initials? so I took one of my necklaces and got a pendant on it." He says and you listen to him silently, looking down at it.

Your eyes brim with admiration. "No way!"

He caresses your chin with his thumb, and directs your attention to him. "I know how hard it gets for you and this..." he touches the chain, gesturing to it. "is just a reminder for you that I'll always be with you, close to your heart."

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