Chapter Melody Time: Maisie and the Pargo (Part One)

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Maisie looked like a freaking janitor. Oh, wait, she was. Feya wasn't a massive fan of the oversized blue shirt and navy shorts, either, but said the costume wasn't as bad as the hot pink Coronado Springs Custodial outfit. Therefore, Maisie felt a little better arriving forty minutes early at All-Star Sports for her first on-site training day.

Her schedule read that the shift was from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm, and her trainer's name was Natacha, but that was it. Disney loved driving her into a corner, and Maisie had to deal with it as a CP, the lowest seniority. Just... why Custodial?

She adjusted the white straw hat on her head and stepped into Sports's breakroom. The heck? Why were all the housekeepers there? Did they start at 8:30? It was 8:20 now.

Maisie unlocked one of the breakroom's lockers and slipped her lunch bag into it. A lunch box was the one thing she forgot, but when she went to the small Target at Flamingo to pick one up, the only available lunch box was Elsa and Anna.

Maisie had difficulty finding a seat with all the housekeepers but managed to sneak by one and sit in the corner. She unzipped her knapsack and removed Chase Me from it. No, Maisie was not that desperate for love (her father joked about it all the time); she merely liked Mrs. Bailey's characters. They made her want to write a story herself.

She stuck her nose in the book and attempted to block out the constant chitter-chatter of the housekeepers. Would she ever feel at home there? Maisie had already decided not to extend her program. The news would be tough on Feya, but she chose to tell her later.

As expected, the housekeepers left for their areas within ten minutes, and Maisie had a little peace to read. She skipped Chase Me's first intimate scene because it made her all sorts of tingly. That was why virgins didn't read Rom-Coms, but Maisie couldn't help herself.

It wasn't long until she heard, "Ahem!" on the book's other side.

Maisie lowered it and looked up. Shit!

Andy stood before her, wearing another pair of dress pants and a shirt. He held a picker and seemed to hold back a laugh. "Tessa Bailey, huh?"

Oh, God, Maisie wanted to disappear into the void. Andy caught her at the worst possible time.

Noticing her embarrassment, he quickly changed the subject. "You're a little early, don't you think?"

"My shift starts at 9:00... sir!" Maisie stuttered, stuffing her book into her bag.

"Is that what your schedule says?"

"Yes... sir!" God, how much did Maisie blush?

Andy lifted a brow. "Huh, I wonder how that happened. The Trash shift doesn't start until 10:00."

The Trash shift? Okay, Maisie was quitting. She knocked Andy down yesterday; he walked in on her reading a Tessa Bailey book today, and now she was an hour early for the Trash shift. He definitely didn't like her now. Might as well spare the pain of him sacking her, right?

"No need to be embarrassed," Andy said. "How about you clock in at 9:00, and I'll give you one more tour of the resort before Natacha arrives?"

Maisie had nothing better to do, so she followed Andy's orders and clocked in at 9:00.

He escorted her around the resort, pointing out things with his picker, and led her past the Surfboard Bay Pool between Buildings 1 and 6, the surfing section of Sports.

Afterward, he took her to Mt. Mickey on the resort's backside, where the Center Court and Hoops Hotels were. The original Mickey Mouse stood on a stand at the heart of Mt. Mickey with an All-Star Resorts sign over his head.

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