Chapter Ichabod and Mr. Toad: Unlocking the Keys

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Maisie reached forward and plucked the TV remote off the table when Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue's credits popped up. She stayed quiet because Feya had fallen asleep and rested her head on the couch's top.

Milo batted the remote and said, "Mrow."

Maisie placed her finger to her lips, "Shh," and pointed at Feya.

"Mrow," Milo repeated, softer that time.

Maisie booted him off the couch and removed the pink blanket from her lap. She tossed it over Feya, careful not to cover Daisy, and stood. She and Milo slipped into Maisie's room.

Maisie cracked the door, picked up Chase Me on her bed, and sat, pressing her back on the wall.

Milo hopped up with her, catnip mouse in mouth, and played while she read—although it looked like he tried to grab Maisie's attention.

She flipped to the next page and scratched his head. Maisie almost played with him, but then she heard Feya.

"Maisie! Maisie!"

"Feya?" The book dropped from Maisie's hands and bounced onto the floor. With Milo at her heels, she rushed into the apartment's common room.

Feya, sweating profusely, clutched her left leg and placed her brow on her knee.

On instinct, Maisie ripped her phone from her pocket. "What's wrong?"

"It hurts!" Feya sobbed.

"Okay, that's it." Maisie pulled up 911. "If you don't take off that prosthetic right now, I'm calling EMS."

"No!" Maisie swore Feya's head almost flew off with how fast she raised it. "I don't need EMS, Maisie. I just want you here with me until it stops hurting."

"Trust me, girl—removing the prosthetic will help."

"But it's ugly!"

"It's just us. No one else." Maisie lowered her phone. "Feya, please, I can't watch you do this to yourself. Look, even Daisy agrees."

Daisy placed her paw on Feya's wrist. Hurt and fear were present on her face.

"I don't need EMS, Maisie," Feya repeated. "I can do this."

Maisie crossed her arms. "Is this about the day I saw the prosthetic?"

Feya released her leg. "You judged me."

"No, I didn't. I was just shocked. I saw my brother when I saw it, but I don't anymore. I see a girl who can't do this alone." Maisie gripped one of the bar's chairs. "Feya, please, take it off—at least for tonight. I won't judge you."

She gulped. "Promise?"

"I promise. The Five Keys, remember?"

She didn't move for a little longer, but eventually, Feya pressed the release button at the top of her prosthetic.

To prepare for the pending shock, Maisie scooped up Milo.

Hands shaking, Feya detached and set her prosthesis on the floor beside her.

There was the shock Maisie expected. She almost cried seeing Feya's stump for her upper thigh but inhaled. "Does that feel better?"

She didn't answer and grasped her stump.

Maisie drew closer. "Don't shut me out. Please." Did Milo glare at her?

"Yes, Maisie," Feya finally said. "It does feel better."

By then, Maisie knew she had done something right.


The next few training days went by relatively quickly. They distracted Maisie from painful memories, her concerns for Feya, and the fact that Milo had started avoiding her. She knew why, so whenever she had downtime at Sports, she researched adoptable cats in the area. Maisie owed Milo another trip to PetSmart.

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