Lions and Tigers and Bears....

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"Oh my!"

Ali let out a little squeal when Tom uncovered her eyes. There, in front of her was a small, yowling cub. But not just any cub. It was a cheetah cub.  A tiny ball of fluff with teeth.

"Meet Loki!" He said as proudly as if he'd said,"Meet my son!" Tom gently led her towards the keeper currently holding the noisy little big cat.

Ali put a tentative hand out where the keeper indicated, and she felt the soft fur and the steam train purr. Her face lit up like the sun, and tears sprang to her eyes.  "Oh Tom, he's beautiful!"

"And he's going home, love. When he's bigger, he's going home." He smiled and slid his arm around her as she stroked Loki gently. "He's part of the zoo's rehab program to repopulate the Maisai Mara. His mother was killed by poachers, and he was sold off.  The zoo foundation rescued him from a private collection and brought him here. He'll be fed and taught to be a real cheetah then sent to a sanctuary where he will live out his days being a  safe wild cheetah."

"Oh Tom, thank you for bringing me." She took her eyes of little Loki for a few moments to look at him. "I always had issues with animals in captivity, but this? This is different. We're interfering for absolutely the right reasons." She turned back to Loki, who was now snoozing in the keepers' arms. "Sleep well, little one, be safe.  I wish I could see you run free." Her eyes sparkled with tears again, and Tom squeezed her.

"He'll be fine, my love. They'll send us updates. As his sponsors, we're his family now."

"His sponsors?" She turned to look at the ever surprising man she loved. "You mean?"

"Yes darling, I hope you like your engagement present? I know a ring is a bit more traditional, but since I happen to know you have a soft spot for cats and sad cases - you're marrying me after all - I thought you'd like him?"

Forgetting that anyone else was present, she flung her arms around him and kissed him. "Oh Tom, I do love you!" She said softly, and he smiled gently.

"But I will ALWAYS love you more, that I promise!" He said proudly.  "Now, if you've had enough Zoo Time, perhaps we should have some lunch? It's still quite a while before we have to meet Luke, and I have a feeling not much eating will be done once we spill the beans!"

Ali nodded, "ok? So where? Cheesecake Factory? That little Italian in the Gaslamp?"

Tom shook his head and winked. "Oh no. I have somewhere FAR more exclusive in mind. Come on little one, let's go.  You can play with Loki another day."

Ali gave the little cub another few pets, and then they tore themselves away, promises of updates ringing in their ears.

Tom smiled. He knew they'd see little Loki again. He just had to make it happen.

As they left the zoo, an Uber picked them up and drove back towards the city.  Ali snuggled into Tom's side and closed her eyes. "You ok love?" He asked softly. "If you need to rest... I'm so sorry, darling. Sometimes, because you're so brave and determined, I forget just how ill you've been. It's bound to have left you a little washed out."

Ali felt a wave of concern wash over her like a warm bath. Soothing and revitalising. She was, as he was trying delicately to say, weak and needed to be careful. On her good days - like today, for example - she almost forgot she'd just been battling for her life.  Still, the final tests would come back in a couple of weeks, and that, as they say, would be that.

"Thanks, I'm just a little weary. I'll be fine after a sit down and a meal." She smiled and kissed him. "Your hugs help too!" She winked. "DEFINITELY."

Tom laughed softly. She never failed to amaze him with her resilience and positive attitude. Just one of the many MANY things he loved about her.

"Ok, we're here - out you go!" He turned and thanked the driver, handing him a tip. "Could you arrange for someone to be here at 6.30 tonight?"

The driver nodded and thanked Tom, "No worries, I'll be here. Anything for my favourite Asgardian... sorry... Jotun!" He winked, and Tom laughed.

"Thanks, man. See you later!" 

The two of them got out, and Ali grasped Tom's hand as they walked towards a nearby jetty.  They'd arrived at the ocean front, to the far side of the bay, where all the private yachts were moored.

"Tom? Why are we here?" Ali looked up at him suspiciously. "What ARE you up to?" She raised an eyebrow, feigning disapproval.

Tom merely smiled enigmatically. "Nothing bad. You'll see.  Come on." He held out his hand, and together, they walked out onto the jetty, amongst the yachts moored to its sides.

Two-thirds of the way down, on the roght hand (starboard) side, was a beautiful old wooden motor launch. The kind they used in all the glamorous 1950's and 1960's films. 

Tom stopped and turned to her. "Well darling? Shall we? A little trip to Coronado Island, perhaps? There's an amazing seafood restaurant I want to try.  I thought we could arrive in style?"

Ali.grinned. "Oh my GOD, this is so glamorous! I feel like... like some kind of movie star! Thankfully, I don't look too dishevelled!" She ran a hand through her newly sprouting hair and pulled her sunglasses out of her handbag.

"Ooh, you look very Grace Kelly, darling. All glamour and sophistication." He almost bowed, and she giggled. 

"Too kind love. Too kind." He patted her hand. "So shall we?"

Tom got in and then helped her down.  She sat on the scarlet leather bench seat, the rear seat filled with a wicker hamper and a rug and some cushions.

He started the engine with a roar, and they looked at each other and laughed. "Well, they go to all that bother making a big engine, be rude not to!" He shrugged.

As they reached open water, he opened up the throttle, and the launch purred into action.

The wind in her face, the sun on her back, Ali felt more alive and content than she could ever remember.

Looking across at Tom, his face shining like a little boy at Christmas, she laughed.

"Having fun, Captain?" She shouted over the roar of five hundred horsepower tearing through the Pacific Ocean.

Tom let his expression speak for itself.  His eyes shone, his smile dazzled, his cheeks flushed with joy.  'Love you,' he mouthed over the roar as he upped the power again.

So far, today had been amazing, and it would be one to remember for all the right reasons. He knew that this was just the first of a lifetime together.

He knew it. He did. Really. Didn't he?

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