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Not as in that they were kidnapped, actually you don't know that, but as in there were a lot of other people here in the ballroom before Y/N noticed they suddenly disappeared.

Y/N already found something strange in the atmosphere as the night went on.

Mason is a great guy and both of them were having fun and made a small conversation even.

"Hey, are you alright?" Mason asks Y/N as he sees her deep in thought. "Isn't it strange?" She asks. "Is what strange?" He questions. "That it's suddenly a lot more quit around here." Y/N states and he looks around. "Maybe people left already?" He says. "The ball hasn't even started an hour ago." Y/N says. "Okay you do have a point." Mason says and thinks about it.

"It's quite boring here, don't you think?" Mason says and Y/N nods. "Yeah, wanna explore more?" She asks excitedly, she would love to see more of this huge and beautiful mansion. "Yes." He says laughing a bit at the girl in front of him, he offers his hand which she gladly takes.

They walk into the hallway which has a huge ceiling, and the ceiling was beautifully decorated with paintings. But when Y/N stepped into the hallways it also felt a little darker... a little colder.

Mason and Y/N investigate and explore the mansion further and further, everything looked the same it was like a maze where they got lost. Maybe they did get a little lost, they were trying to find their way back to the ballroom though.

"There's no one here." Y/N quietly says as they walk around every corner to see if there was the ballroom but every corner they turned it only felt like they were going farther away from it.

"We must be lost." Mason says, and Y/N begins to let the thought sink in. They were lost. "Oh no! We're lost!" Y/N exclaims a worried expression on her face while Mason walks up to her. "Don't worry, we will find our way back." He reassures her but she gets an uneasy feeling as they walk further.

They come to a stop as they see a person standing at the end of the hallway their back facing them.

He was wearing a fancy suit as well so it must be a guest, Y/N and Mason looked relieved they finally found someone to ask the way to. "Uhm excuse me, sir?" Y/N starts but the person didn't answer he was just blankly staring at the wall, Y/N and Mason eyed eachother weirdly.

"Sir, do you maybe know the way back to the ballroom?" Mason asks but and the man didn't respond again but he did turn around to face them, another detail Y/N noticed, he was wearing a small black bow tie. He looked a little pale. Because it was a little dark he looked even scarier giving Y/N an uneasy feeling.

Y/N looked scared but then she looks into the man's eyes and her heart started beating even faster. The only thing she could see in the man's eyes was.. terror he was completely terrified.

Mason and Y/N didn't know what he had seen or what had happened but they knew it couldn't be any good.

They turned to face eachother and Y/N leaned a bit closer to whisper in his ear making sure the creepy man didn't hear it. "What is going on here?" She whispers a little panick in her voice.

Mason leaned down to whisper something back. "I don't know but there's something weird going on and it has been going on the whole night." Mason whispers while looking into her eyes slight panick could be seen in his.

Mason was thinking his hardest while Y/N tried not to look at the man who was now staring at them and not moving from his spot. There was this creepy atmosphere when the man just stood there.. watching them.

Suddenly the man started moving forward slowly but their way, Y/N looked worried. "Y/N I have a plan, do you trust me?" He says looking at her, she looks back at him even though she didn't want to look away from the man because she was to scared that he'd reach them. It's was like they just landed in a horror movie and creepy music started playing.

"How would I know that I can trust you, Mason." She says referring to that they just met this night and he understood that but looked at her with a pleading look. "You can trust me, I promise." He says and she looks into his eyes seeing if he was telling the truth but there was no lie to be found.

"I trust you." She says and as soon as those words left her mouth Mason grabs her hand and starts running with the creepy man right after them.

They were being followed,

How nice.

𝐔𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐥𝐲 ⇨ 𝖬𝖺𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝖳𝗁𝖺𝗆𝖾𝗌 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now