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I would like to state this now before we begin. This is an AGE REGRESSION story. Everything within this book is in NO WAY or form a kink. It is strictly about age regression a COPING mechanism. It IS healthy. If you do not like it please leave. In no way will this book have any lemon, smut, or anything. It is completely fluff and written for fun. Please no hate to anyone who reads this book or writes this kind of books.

This story is a romantic version of age regression. What I mean is the caregivers and little ARE dating. But the little when regressed is NOT dating the daddies. When Daniel refers to Austin or Shane as daddy in no way is he meaning it sexually. He says it's platonically like a father son type saying. Also this is a polyamory fic.

If you didn't understand that this is what I mean.

Big Daniel dates Austin and Shane
Little Daniel is NOT dating Austin and Shane and it becomes a platonic daddy little relationship.

If you at all dislike any of this please leave now.
This is currently incomplete and may take awhile to be finished.

Also this is nothing like my previous book (the forest if you have read it) so do not worry about gore or death. I do write different genres it just depends on what I'm feeling that year lol.

Let's begin.
Word count: 2259

Daniel never had been the most popular in school, being 5 '3 he wasn't tall enough for sports and he wasn't handsome like the popular kids. Often even being regarded as a freak for having heterochromia, his right eye being a grayish color and his left being a deep sea blue. His dark skin contrasted that of his paler peers which didn't help with him fitting in. Which led to this moment, currently Daniel stood at the bus stop holding his many bags, his backpack strapped harshly to his back as he tried to curl in on himself to avoid the blistering cold. The only seat nearby was down the road and would make him miss the bus if he were to try and sit there. Daniel had just graduated from college just a few months prior, although he was not very confident in his business skills. He still chose though to move to a small town where he felt he could make a new life there, get away from his college friends and family. Although to you that may sound odd, to Daniel that sounded like peace. He wanted to start over, he didn't want to be known here as the nobody who did nothing. He wanted to be able to move to a new town and meet new people, he also was mainly doing this to run from his ex. Josh. Where to even start? Daniel never liked josh seeing him as a sex obsessed freak who did nothing but jerk himself off every second of the day. Daniel was quick to run when he learned of Josh's intentions but of course Josh didn't seem to understand him. So now here stood Daniel, 11pm at night. In the dead of winter. Waiting for a bus to take him to this town and get him away from everyone and everything. "This is good for us" Daniel told himself as he took in a shaky breath, "we just need to get away for a couple decades. Settle down in a nice small cottage. Maybe meet some cute boys?" He continued to mumble to himself, mostly doing so because he wanted to distract himself from the blistering cold. A few minutes later, the sound of an old bus exhaling its exhaust began down the road, chugging up to the bus stop and screeching as it came to a stop. The doors opened as some got off, the laughter of some girl holding onto a man filled Daniels ears as he began to board, scanning his bus pass he walked to the back of the bus trying to find an empty seat. The bus lurched forward catching Daniel off guard, catching himself; he sat in a lonely row at the back, the lights purple so that it wouldn't hurt the riders eyes when they boarded at such ungodly hours of night. Daniel looked down at his phone and looked at the directions he had found. His luggage tucked in every crevice he could manage. Even though Daniel had ridden the bus numerous times he couldn't help but feel anxious, worried that he'd miss his stop and have to walk an extra ten minutes to get to it or wait an extra 30 minutes for a bus to take him back to where he needed to be. He didn't like being off schedule. Everything had to be on a schedule. He remembered how in school and college like clockwork he would have a schedule, from the moment he opened his eyes to the moment he fell asleep. Every morning besides weekends he would sleep until 6am exactly, get up and brush his teeth and shower at 6:05am and then this was where he was lenient with himself, understanding sometimes showers take longer than expected having given himself a 15 minute grace period. Of course if he exits the shower before his grace period is over Daniel would sit air drying and softly towel drying until the exact time necessary at 6:20. And the list kept going on and on. Daniel wasn't sure why but schedules helped him, without a proper schedule Daniel would've failed all of his classes within a week.

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