My bosses

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Word count: 2025

It was now the next day, Daniel had spent the whole day snacking on all the food items he had brought with him and decorating the house with the few decor items he had. He hung a large pride flag up in his living room and covered it in fake vines like he had when he was in his dorm. He had made his bed with his sheets he had brought and put up some family and friend photographs around the house.

His phone buzzed on the floor beside the bed, reaching down he unplugged his phone and pulled it close to his face. Seeing it to be his alarm titled "job interview" Daniel groaned. His schedule having been thrown off quite a bit the day before and the exhaustion of all his excitement crashing into him even with however many hours he's been sleeping for. Climbing out of bed he put on his slippers yawning and stretching. He walked over to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him as he turned on the water. Steam slowly filled the room as he stripped himself of his clothes, stepping into the now warmed up shower and washing himself making sure he smelled nice for his job interview. Daniel recalled weeks prior how they set up this interview after he had excelled in the online chats and smaller interviews. Although he was nervous since he had never actually met these two in real life and wasn't quite sure what to expect. As he climbed out of the shower he wrapped his hair with a separate towel before he began drying himself off. "5 minutes left" Daniel mumbled to himself as he looked at his phone. He started brushing his teeth while he waited for it to be time for him to get dressed, he forgot to brush his teeth a lot but if he has the schedule then he can remember. As the clock struck 6:20 am his alarm went off signaling now was the time to get dressed. He walked out of the bathroom, towel draped around his waist and one on his head. Walking through the hallway and into his bedroom, he walked over to his windows and closed the curtains not wanting any of his new neighbors to see his nude body. He walked over to his suitcase and thought to himself, 'when I get the chance I need to buy an actual dresser' he pulled out a button down shirt and black pants. He hated how tight fitting this type of clothing is usually, seeing it as too constricting and uncomfortable. So he had it tailored in High School, it fit him perfectly but they were courteous enough to leave a little extra wiggle room so it wouldn't be touching his skin 24/7. While it may look skin tight it in fact had barely a centimeter of distance from his skin. Which even though may not sound like a lot saved poor Daniel from many overstimulation's. He walked over to the mirror he had brought from his dorm, it was slim but tall. A cheap one he had gotten from Walmart his freshman year of college. He buttoned up his shirt, pulled on his underwear and pants and styled his hair. Of course though no matter how much he tried his curls would always inevitably in his face, sighing he styled it to the best of his ability before checking the time. "6:35.." he mumbled to himself as he recalled he needed to leave before 7am and the drive was a 10 minute drive. And his appointment was at 7:15. He started getting on his shoes, choosing to leave at 6:45 am. He opened his Uber app and booked an Uber, he was sort of shocked there was even someone in this town who even did it. His ride was accepted a couple of minutes later and they were just down the road. The black Toyota Camry pulled up to his house, a young lady rolled down her passenger window and leaned over from the driver side window. "Hey kiddo!" She said with a smile, "haven't seen you before, did you just move in?" She continued. He nodded, "yeah... um... I have an interview in..." as he spoke he got cut off by her. "Ah yes! I heard Sheila telling me all about how they were getting a new hire, get in get in!" She said enthusiastically Daniel smiled shyly and went to get into the back but was stopped by the woman. "Come on kiddo I don't bite! Sit up here in the front. Let me get a good look at you!" He smiled nervously as he opened the front door and sat down, he reached for his seatbelt and began to buckle himself. "It makes me so happy when a kiddo knows to buckle himself. You don't know how many new guys move in here and don't buckle when they get in my car!" She seemed so friendly as she spoke, beginning to pull away now. "My name's Rachel, your Daniel right?" She asked, pointing to her app, "ah yes! I'm Daniel." He said with a smile. "Awesome. You are going to love Starvell! I've lived here my entire life, I may not look it but I've been here since the 60s!" She laughed, which honestly shocked him. "Really?! I thought you were a 90s kid." She let out a sound that told Daniel he had flattered her. "Oh thank you, I don't try to keep myself youthful and beautiful for nothing!" She told him with a wide smile as they continued to drive to the place. Throughout the ride Rachel talked Daniels ears off as he just listened to her patiently and excitedly awaiting to leave this car. A couple of minutes later it was now 6:55 as they pulled up to the large building that was the main hub for business of a well known company that produced toys for kids. "Good luck Kiddo!" Rachel called out with a smile as she began to drive off leaving Daniel standing on the sidewalk staring up at the large building. He felt like a small child staring up at the large building. Taking in a deep breath of air he began to walk forward and towards the building, a part of him wanted to turn around, to avoid this anxious feeling and just move back to his hometown. Move back in with his parents, deal with the kids he's known since he was in diapers, deal with his ex boyfriend, and all the other things that awaited him back home. But he couldn't, he had traveled to get to this town, he had been chatting with the ceo's he's been working hard now was no time to turn around with his tail between his legs. Marching forward Daniel entered the building, nerves and anxiety continued to flow through him but he brushed it off, he was here for a job interview he had every right to walk in with confidence. He had every right to walk in with his head held high so he did, walking in with nervous steps trying to hide it with false confidence. But it was easily squashed as he saw this god of a man standing talking to the receptionist. He stood there with his platinum blonde slick back hair with his beautifully tailored black suit, his black rounded glasses and his piercing green eyes that glowed within the light, his smile glowed and his laugh echoed through the building. Daniel hadn't even noticed the other figure walking up behind him till his deep voice spoke "you ok?" Spinning around he saw an even more handsome god, his tan skin glowed under the lights, his brown hair had been pulled up into a ponytail, his bright brown eyes looked down towards Daniel being at least a foot or more taller than him. He too wore a suit. Daniel let out a loud shriek as he wasn't expecting to see someone behind him falling to the floor as he tripped over his own shoes. The blonde man rushed over to the other "are you alright little one?" The blonde one asked him as he kneeled down to his level the other bent over checking him. He was surrounded by these absolute gods. He felt flustered as he stared at these two men who surrounded him. "Yeah... sorry..." he muttered as he felt the blonde man grab his face checking to make sure he wasn't hurt. Daniel was still very flustered and shocked and allowed this stranger to touch his face, "anything hurt?" He asked him as he checked his hands making the other man let out a chuckle. A look of realization crossed the blonde's face as he smiled down at Daniel. "My apologies. I babysit for my sister a lot." He chuckled as he began to stand helping Daniel to his feet. "It's ok..." he mumbled out staring in awe at the man in front of him, who also was quite tall. "What's your name?" The brown haired one asked, "um... it's Daniel." He spoke so softly like he was afraid if he spoke any louder they'd run from him. "Oh your our interviewee" the blonde one said happily as he smiled down towards Daniel. This height difference was really messing with Daniel's eyes, they towered over him like he were a small child which was absolutely shocking to him. Of course he knew being 5'3 his whole life he wouldn't be super tall but even now he felt like he was shorter, as if he had lost three feet of height. Staring up at the 6'7 brown haired man and the 6'4 blond haired one. "My name is Shane, this is Austin" the brown haired one said with a smile. "Oh..." Daniel spoke softly and awestruck, still wrapping his head around everything. "Follow us, we'll get the interview done quickly I promise." Austin, who was the blond one, said with a smile, Daniel nodded up towards him with a smile before they all took off. Walking together, Austin to his right and Shane to his left. He was surrounded yet again by these two absolute gods. They led him to a conference room, sitting across from each other, Austin and Shane sat on one side while Daniel sat on the other.


It had been 30 minutes into the interview and Daniel was still very nervous as the two asked him question after question. Bombarding him, some of the questions were even kind of weird. Asking him his favorite color or what his favorite stuffed animal was growing up. "Ok this is our last question of the day. It's two parts. The first part is, are you aware of what this town is known for?" Shane spoke softly yet seriously. Daniel begins to sweat, nervous about the answer. "Um..." he stammered, trying to think. "The inner part specifically." Austin continued off of Shane. "No... Claus... said the kids born here lived in the inner parts" Austin smiled while nodding, "that's not exactly what we're asking but that will do. So you have no idea what this place is known for?" Daniel shook his head, "why?" He asked Shane, "No reason, just curious if you thought the gold mine rumor was true. Which it's not." Daniel nodded listening but the way he talked felt... scripted. But he thought it may have been him misreading a social cue. "Well, I'd say you get the job!" Austin said happily causing Daniel to bounce in his seat, "thank you so much!" He cried out happily feeling giddy. "We expect you to work at 8am every morning, you get weekends off. Your end of shift is at 6pm your hourly pay is $24.76 an hour. And you will be our assistant. Now this is why you work so long, you will follow us around all day and do paperwork. Don't worry about it, ok? We'll train you tomorrow morning" Austin spoke with a big grin crossing his face as Daniel nodded excitedly.

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