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Cw: There is a moment near the end when some minor body harm happens along with wetting himself just so you are aware.

A/N: THIS CHAPTER IS IN NO WAY A KINK. When Daniel wets himself it is simply a mindset thing and is not a kink, it will not be mentioned often. Anyways. Sorry for updates being so sporadic, I have finals this week in my college classes and have to do portfolio interviews along with preparing for exams in my Highschool classes. I am slightly swamped so writing has become a bit harder for me to complete. But I will try to keep up I hope you all enjoy!

Word count: 2841

The next day Daniel was awoken to the sound of Shane and Austin talking outside the door. They were having a usual conversation about the weather or what freeway they should use to go to the store. "The store?" Daniel murmured sleepily catching what they were saying. Sitting up in his crib and pajamas, recalling the day before playing in the morning until they took a nap and then playing again when they woke up.

He couldn't figure out how to put into words just how lovely it felt. To be able to play with Austin and Shane. His childhood never being the greatest or funnest, he recalled feeling envious of his peers. He felt lesser than his peers and felt as if he had missed out in his childhood.

Austin and Shane's conversation stalled as they heard Daniel let out a whine as he stretched out his back, an audible pop being heard. The sound of the doorknob being turned caught Daniel's attention as he noticed Austin peeking his head in, "good morning Daniel" he spoke with a smile as he walked in, Daniel smiled up at him in his very comfortable onesie. His pacifier long lost within the crib bedding, "morning" he mumbled out rubbing his eyes as he felt Shane pick him up and pull him from the crib and onto the floor.

Austin helped walk Daniel down the stairs as Shane ensured the table was ready, eating breakfast together Austin tried his hardest to wake up Daniel who was still very sleepy. It didn't help he was still in his pjs but Austin didn't want him ruining his day clothes with syrup. "Daniel, do you think you're in the mood to head to the mall today?" Austin asked softly as he made airplane noises while helping Daniel eat his pancake bites. Daniel took a moment to think of it, nodding his head as he chewed the pancake. "Why are we going though?" He spoke as if he were big yet still little ever so slightly which caused Austin to smile knowing he'll probably be back into little space within an hour. Austin responded with an even bigger smile. "Well the clothes we have currently barely fit you and you deserve to have toys that are special to you." Daniel blushed at the olders words thinking it over.

"You don't need to spend-" as Daniel began Shane cut him off. "No. We are doing this because we want to." Austin nodded before also speaking. "And worry not of the price, now. Are you done?" With a quick nod from Daniel he was swiftly picked up and taken upstairs. After a quick bubble bath and a change of clothes Daniel was a giggling mess. He wore a long sleeved light blue sweater with shortalls. The pockets have little penguin designs on them. Dark blue and light blue striped knee highs were put onto his legs without shoes, he wasn't sure why he was bare footed besides his socks but Austin didn't say anything when he attempted to ask. A blue pacifier clip was connected to his sweater with a penguin themed pacifier.


Austin and Shane had loaded up Daniel into the car, their trunk full of things they'd need for the mall. They set off. Daniel stared out the window for the duration of the 20 minute drive as Austin and Shane were talking about something he couldn't understand. As they pulled in and found a spot to park Daniel couldn't help but feel nervous. Self consciously trying to hide his pacifier as he saw people walking passed, Austin took notice as he crouched beside Daniel in the car. He reached down Daniel's shirt and pulled back out the pacifier placing it back into Daniel's lips. "Do not ever hide your pacifier got it?" He spoke sternly. It contrasted his usual sweet personality. "No one will ever make fun of you for your pacifier nor for how you look ok? Now come on let's go pick out some toys" Daniel couldn't help but giggle as he was lifted up and out of the car. Austin held him up as he noticed one of the objects they had brought with them.

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