Little space

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Word count: 1504

After Daniel had agreed Shane got to work setting up his office as a little safe space. He set out various children toys, placed a soft mat for Daniel to sit on, put up a baby gate that was taller than normal ones, Austin had left to go grab some stuff from his own office and soon the area was prepared for them to get him a little space.

Austin when returning walked over to Daniel who was still sitting on the couch with a confused look reached down and went to pick him up before remembering this was not in fact his little currently. Merely he was babysitting. "Would you like me to carry you?" He asked Daniel who looked at his arms, the warm and fuzzy feeling called for him to be in this man's arms so he nodded his head. He reached up for Austin's neck and Austin bent down and lifted him up quickly. Honestly feeling surprised about how light Daniel was. Daniel as Shane had described while he had napped a while before had koala'd against Austin, holding onto him tightly not letting himself fall. Austin bent down and gently placed Daniel onto the mat where Shane was sat with a basket. "This is called little gear, it has stuffed animals, pacifiers, baba's, pacifier clips, and some snacks." Shane had a large smile on his face as he pulled out each item as Daniel stared at him with a look of curiosity. "Do you want to try any of them now or would you like to wait?" Daniel looked at the items but felt nervous to try them, like they could be pulling his leg.

But he reached for a pacifier, it was bright blue and had little penguins on it. He giggled as he examined it, Austin sat beside him as he grabbed a pacifier clip. "You wanna wear it around your neck so you can get used to it and won't lose it? Or would just like to hold it." Austin spoke so softly and so calmly, as Shane allowed his partner to do all the work. Daniel wasn't sure but when he saw the clip he held he couldn't help but reach for it it was a penguin one! Austin chuckled as he began clipping it to Daniel's shirt who only giggled and flapped his hands happily. Austin cooed at the already regressing little, helping to clip his pacifier to the clip and holding it up for Daniel to choose if he wanted it in his mouth.

Daniel hesitated as his big mind came back for a split second, worrying about taking the pacifier but Austin had only a look of patience and Shane looked like he was falling in love for his husband all over again. So he opened his mouth and leaned forward, taking the pacifier in his teeth. He held it there unsure of what to do with it. Austin chuckled as he grabbed out a couple of baby games, "what do you want to play? Candy land, chutes and ladders, or sorry!" Austin was a natural as he made Daniel's fuzzy and warm feeling grow he started subconsciously suckling on his pacifier as he pointed to sorry. It was the simplified version of the game with no special moves or anything. Shane joined in and was on the opposing team as Austin was on Daniel's. Shane pretended to be hurt as his partner had chosen the baby over him which led to Daniel to erupt into a fit of giggles.

They played for about an hour before Daniel had gotten bored and decided to start playing with the stuffies, Shane and Austin worked with Daniel to crown him the king of stuffies! Daniel hadn't even noticed just how much time had passed and how happy he felt until it was over. The clock struck 6pm and they had to start cleaning up. Daniel didn't know why but he didn't want to leave the two of them. Crying when they told him the day was over. Austin consoled the sobbing little who didn't want to go home alone and wanted to be with them. Austin turned to Shane and the two started having a silent conversation. "Hey little one..." Austin said softly as he pulled Daniel off of him so he could look at his face. "What do you say about coming to our place? You can stay little and in the morning you can tell us what you thought of it" Daniel nodded his head as the tears continued to fall down his face, his pacifier hanging from his neck. "I'd like that..." he slurred out as he sniffed. Shane smiled as he walked up next to Austin and handed him some tissues, Austin immediately got to work cleaning off the poor little.

Once Daniel had calmed down and was no longer red faced, which took twenty minutes, they headed out. Rachel had messaged Daniel at least one thousand times asking him if he needed a ride leading her to call. When Daniel tried to answer Shane took the phone and answered for him. Telling her he wouldn't need a ride today and that he was going home with them. Walking towards Austin and Shane's car they both held onto Daniel's hands, helping him into the backseat and buckling him in before the two got into the front. Daniel felt so sleepy after crying so much and the soft shaking of the car felt like a cradle causing him to fall asleep, snoring quietly in the backseat.


As they pulled into the driveway of their borderline mansion they chuckled seeing the slumped over sleeping little. Shane shut off the car as he got out, Austin following behind as he walked to Daniel's door. Lifting the little up Austin was careful not to wake him, Shane had walked inside to start dinner. Austin carried the little over to the large couch they had in the living room, pushing the pacifier into the littles mouth as he sat with him in his lap. He turned on the tv at a low volume and began watching the news as he heard Shane cook. After thirty minutes Shane called out that dinner was done, but Daniel was still asleep so Austin stood up carrying the little. As he entered the dining room he noticed that Shane had also pulled out the high chair for their little. He smiled as he placed Daniel into the adult sized high chair waking Daniel up as he no longer felt the warm embrace. He whimpered and whined as he noticed Austin helping Shane bring in the food. "Austyyy..." he whined as he made grabby hands still very little. "Hey there sleepy head did you have a nice nap?" Austin said as he walked over helping to fix Daniel's hair, Daniel continued to whine wanting to be held but Austin shook his head. "No honey it's dinner are you hungry?" Daniel nodded his head sleepily as he tried to wake himself. Austin let out a soft chuckle as they continued to set the table. Mac and cheese was prepared for the little and Austin and Shane had a crock pot meal. Austin between bites for himself helped feed Daniel who greatly appreciated the aid and enjoyed being fed from the baby spoons. Making om nom noises as he chewed his food leading to the two to laugh.

Once dinner was finished Austin picked up Daniel and held him while Daniel began rambling about today being the best day and that he felt so happy and fuzzy and warm. Austin listened patiently as he brought the boy upstairs, "alright Daniel, which would you prefer, a big boy bed or a little boy bed?" Daniel thought for a moment before asking, "what's the little boy bed?" Austin smiled as he walked him to a room that was titled "baby's room" with a chalkboard sign. Opening the door they were greeted with a bedroom designed for littles it was decorated with dinosaurs which Daniel was not a big fan of and had a large adult sized crib. "This is the little boys room" Austin told Daniel, "and the big boys room is a normal bed" Austin continued. Daniel chose the little boy's bed and with his consent Daniel was changed into some comfortable pajamas. They were oversized since they were for someone who was slightly taller but he didn't complain. They felt nice and he liked them, he then was placed into the crib with his pacifier in his mouth and Austin gave him three options of a plushie to sleep with. He chose the teddy bear since he looked the softest. The nightlight was turned on and he fell asleep, that night he had the greatest night sleep ever. He slept so comfortably snuggling his stuffed animal and curling in on his blanket. He could sleep like this for the next one hundred years and never stop feeling so comfortable.

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