I could get used to this

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A/N thank you guys for reading this! I am honestly surprised that it's even getting any love tbh. But thank you all so much :3 also if it looks weird please let me know. I write my chapters in google docs and wattpad was recently updated so the way I write these may need to be changed. My a/n's are written in wattpad which is why they'd be normal. Also sorry for not posting in a bit I got busy! Anyways enjoy.

Word count: 2305

The morning was full of giggles and lots of playing. Austin helped Daniel to eat his pancakes and eat his bacon leaving the little sticky and messy. "I think someone needs a bath" Austin said with a chuckle as the little giggled looking down at his messy self. Leaning down Austin removed the little from his high chair with a smile, Daniel giggled not understanding where they were going as he played with his sticky fingers.

Daniel felt himself be placed down as Austin got up and close to his face. "Daniel" he spoke very seriously. Causing Daniel to jump, "I need to talk to you big ok? Then you can go back to being small" Daniel nodded as he wasn't sure how to be big. "Need help?" Austin asked softly as Daniel nodded his head enthusiastically. "Alright what is 2 + 2?" Daniel answered and Austin smiled telling him good job, Austin then asked what 4 + 4 was and Daniel answered and this continued until they reached 64+64 and Daniel struggled fully big now. "Good job now Daniel I'll make this fast and you can regress once more." Austin smiled up at the little as he had been crouched in front of him. Daniel felt the fuzzy feeling leaving him feeling quite big.

"Now Daniel, you need a bath. Would you be ok with me helping to bathe you? I can just wash your hair if that's ok?" Austin spoke softly trying to make sure the little was comfortable, Daniel knew Austin and Shane wouldn't harm him. Having known them for a small while now, he thought about it. "How about we start slow? Just my shoulders and hair… but… don't look at me when I get in" Daniel said softly feeling his face heat up at the idea of Austin seeing him as nude. Austin nodded his head signaling to the smaller that he understood. "Of course I don't want to make you uncomfortable. Now wait while I get the bath ready alright?" Daniel nodded as he watched Austin turn on the taps of the bath after having plugged the drain. He dumped in some bubble bath and turned towards the little with a smile. Daniel was focused on staring at the flowing water, soft steam coming from it. "Is the little excited for his bath?" Asked Shane as he walked into the bathroom startling Daniel. Austin chuckled and nodded, "we came to an agreement he'll get in when I'm not looking at I'll wash his hair and he'll wash himself." Austin spoke softly, seeming proud of himself and of Daniel. Daniel nodded his head as he watched the two talking. Soon the bath was full and Austin stopped it, Shane left to grab some bath toys and Austin crouched in front of the little. "Do you need any help undressing?" Daniel shook his head before pausing and remembering he's in overalls that he had struggled to begin with to put on. He then nodded his head, "my overalls" he mumbled as Austin nodded, Shane walked in and began to dump in some rubber duckies and other toys for the bath. Shane smiled at the two before leaving to give them some privacy and hopefully make Daniel feel more comfortable with being undressed. Daniel felt grateful for not having to get undressed in front of two people. Austin once checking to make sure the coast was clear unbuttoned the boys' overalls , pulling them down and having him step out, leaving him in only his boxers and sweater. "Want Anymore help?" Daniel shook his head, Austin smiled "ok I'll turn around and you can get in" he turned around once again choosing to cover his eyes. It made Daniel feel so much more respected and better, beginning to wonder if maybe he wanted Austin to change him. He thought it over but decided he'd rather undress and maybe have Austin dress him later. Stripping himself of his boxers and sweater he stepped into the tub, the fuzzy feeling overwhelming him once again as he felt the duckies touch his skin. He couldn't help but giggle as he sat down mumbling out a soft ready as he startled playing. He appreciated how the bubble bath covered his lower parts as Austin turned around and cooed at the little.

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