First day of work.

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Word count: 1534

It was the next day, Daniel had gone grocery shopping shortly after his job interview. Not having much money to his own name currently seeing as he had student loans and spent his last savings on this house to start anew he could only grab a few food items but he hoped they would last him until his first paycheck. He got ready like he usually does every morning, he called an Uber and again Rachel picked him up. "I see you got the job!" She had said happily when she picked him up. Dropping him off at his new job he waved goodbye and began walking in. He walked up to the receptionist with a bright smile. "Hi!" He said happily to her, she looked up to him and smiled "good morning sweetheart what can I do for you?" She asked with a smile, "I start work today, my name is Daniel and I was just wondering where I was meant to go?" He said softly to her, she gave him a smile before gesturing to the elevator. "They are on the 4th floor" Daniel thanked her as he walked over to the elevator clicking the button he nervously waited for it to come down, the soft ding indicating the elevation had arrived graced his ears as it began to open. Stepping inside he felt his anxiety begin to rise as he clicked the top button labeled four. He started fiddling with his fingers anxiously listening to the dings as he passed each floor by until finally the last and loudest ding came through and then doors opened to reveal a large floor plan. Numerous desks lined the floor plan with a large walk way leading to numerous conference rooms. As he took a couple of steps forward he took note of all the eyes that glanced towards him, following him as he tried to figure out where to go next. "Ah Daniel you're here." Shane said with a smile, he stood on the other side of the room in a doorway. "Sorry if I'm late." Daniel said as he rushed over, Shane waved his hand dismissing it. "You're only a minute late, that's quite alright. You're still learning after all." Shane smiled down at Daniel as he walked through, the room was large with a desk in the corner and multiple filing cabinets behind it. An older lady sat sipping some tea as she read the morning news. "Morning" she said to the two as they walked in. Daniel nodded before saying good morning as well. He took note of the two brown doors, they reminded him of an old school principal's office, the glass that had that weird snow film over it and the name tag engraved with their name. "This is Margaret." Shane spoke, pulling Daniel from his trance, "she will be helping you get acquainted with the office." Daniel nodded as he listened. Shane continued to explain how she'll help him for the next hour before she leaves and from there he'll just sit and do some easy organizing work until one of them needs him. He nodded as he watched Shane walk over to his office "this is mine and that one is Austin's" Shane informed Daniel who nodded. Shane then said bye and headed into Austin's office as Margaret got to work teaching Daniel where the bathroom was, where the break room was, which files go where, what the computer password was, and so on. After she'd finished her shift was over and she said her farewells and clocked out. Daniel now sat at his new desk and began organizing it the way he had preferred. It was quite barren besides for the pencils and papers but any and all personality Margaret had put into it was gone. He had been waiting for some time before Austin came out of his office holding some papers while on the phone. He smiled towards Daniel as he gave the small stack to him and covered the microphone of his phone to instruct Daniel on how to do the papers and which parts he needed the calculator on and so on. Once Daniel was sure he understood how to do this type of work he had gotten to work. Pulling out his calculator whenever it was necessary and signing wherever was needed.


It had been a couple of hours and he had been done for at least 30 minutes. He fiddled with his fingers as he waited, having placed the paperwork onto Austin's desk since he was gone doing some sort of business. After some time exhaustion began to creep into him as he looked up at the clock. "A nap wouldn't hurt... right?" He mumbled to himself before stretching, he laid his head into his new desk locking the wheels of his chair so he would swivel around. He nestled into his arms and began to snooze, snoring ever so softly as he allowed sleep to take him. He laid at his desk dreaming of fighting unicorns and becoming king of the world, and all sorts of other things. As he laid there Shane emerged from his office going to track down Austin to ask him a question only for him to notice Daniel snoring softly. His expression softened as he walked over to the sleeping boy, as he stood there he came to the decision that this was far too uncomfortable of a position to sleep in. Leaning down he was careful to pull Daniel's head up and wrap his arms around his neck. Pulling up the boy Daniel instinctively wrapped his legs around the taller sleepily holding on tighter like a koala. Shane took the boy to his office and laid him down onto his personal couch, he pulled a throw blanket out of a drawer before laying it on Daniel keeping him warm. Shane couldn't suppress the smile as he stared down at the dark haired boy. Shane left the room shortly after continuing his search for his Husband Austin.

Shane found his husband sitting in the breakroom looking over some documents while eating a ham sandwich. "Austin..." Shane said breathlessly as he looked down towards his handsome husband, Austin looked up and smiled back towards his partner. "What's up?" Shane let out a chuckle as he sat beside Austin. "The new guy fell asleep..." Shane trailed off with a hint in his voice, Austin raised an eyebrow understanding what he was hinting to. "You seriously aren't contemplating asking him to be our little are you? What about Riley?" Austin asked Shane with a look of worry but Shane just dismissed it. "That was over a year ago, I am ready for another. And you should've seen him." He smirked at his husband knowing Austin couldn't help but love sleeping beauty littles. "He was drooling and snoring, he looked so perfectly innocent and when I picked him up he latched on like a baby koala-" he was shortly cut off by Austin shaking his head and covering his mouth. "No more!!! You're torturing me!!" He fake pouted at his partner with a smile. The two loved joking around together when together but tried their hardest to be professional in front of people that worked for them. Austin pulled back for a moment to think, "he's only been here a day, give it a week before you say for sure you want this" knowing that even though Shane may not look it he did like to try and rush things. With a soft and playful groan Shane nodded "fine... I guess you don't want to see sleeping-" as Shane hadn't even finished his sentence Austin bolted up "of course I do!" And began to rush over to Shane's office Shane let out a soft chuckle as he chased after his husband.


It had been several hours later when Daniel finally woke up to the sound of Shane and Austin chatting. "Good evening sunshine" Austin had said with a smile as Daniel bolted upright "I'm so sor-" before he could finish his apology Shane cut him off. "It's quite alright Daniel. I understand today was probably exhausting, we also just had a slow day. We still have no paperwork or things for you to fill out so if need be, please go back to sleep." Daniel nodded listening to Shane speak. "Yes sir. Sorry sir, I promise I won't sleep again." Shane sighed looking at his husband for help knowing Austin is sometimes softer than he himself is. "It's quite alright Daniel I promise" Austin spoke so softly like he was speaking to a toddler. "Say it's about 4:30 how about you just head on home? Get lots of rest and come back well rested for tomorrow when we have more work for you." Daniel nodded smiling, "yes sir thank you" they smiled at him and said their goodbyes as he left and gathered everything he had brought. He punched out slightly worried if they'd dock his pay for leaving two hours early but trying to brush it off as he left. Calling an Uber he went back home and rested a whole lot.

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