Not Normal

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I was jolted awake by something shaking me. The most awful racket was being made; metal against metal, gusts of air, jerks and tugs at my body; it was terrible... and terrifying.

It was dark, so once my eyes adjusted, I seen wooden crates around me. I seemed to be in a box... a large one at that.

My head began to hurt. I pressed the ball of my thumb on my right hand to my right temple. The agony caused flashbacks of what happened before I got put in here.

I was hiding in a closet. Someone found me... WICKED. They took me, experimented on me, and now I'm here, wherever here is.

I huddled in the corner with my knees to my chest, anxiety bubbling in my stomach making me feel nauseous. Memories flooded through my mind as the box rattled me.

I remember what my parents used to tell me: "There's always a way, so you'll never be stuck anywhere." I remember how my dad sacrificed himself to save everyone. I remember how my mom sacrificed herself to save me. I'll never forget what she said to me: "Choose your decisions wisely, which I don't have to tell you because you always have. Live for me and your dad, and go, don't you dare look back either. You are the key to peace and happiness, so whoever finds you will want to keep you; make sure you know what you want, not them."

Tears burned in my eyes, one actually fell. I blinked, sniffling a bit as I felt the box slow. I patiently waited, listening to every sound, smelling every smell, all the while sitting perfectly still, except my heart which was going two-hundred miles per hour... or what felt like it.

I heard shouts, yells and more metal against metal. I smelled a farm, definitely a farm which means there's farm animals wherever I'm at. Someone's living of the grid.

Someone jumped on top of the box.

Someone shouted for everyone to "Slim it." Whatever that meant, but it made everyone shut up.

The box opened up, revealing light, heat, and someone staring down at me. I looked up, moving my hair out of my eyes; someone had cut it, so now it felt like a short wolf cut; I liked it short anyways.

"It's a girl," the boy looking down at me said. He was blonde and obviously British by the sound of his accent. He was skinny and muscular at the same time, made me sorta intimidated until I looked at his face which was a little more soft as he wore a smile.

He jumped down into the box with me, I just sat and watched patiently, I probably looked terrified.

"Come on," he said, "you're safe." He held his hand out to me. Timidly, I took it. He helped me stand, making my stomach clench with the anxiety.

The blondie walked me to the opening and gestured for me to jump, so I did. I jumped up, grabbing at the edges of the opening, someone helped me up before they helped the blondie out.

I slightly bit my bottom lip, my eyes scanning the crowd of probably fifty boys. Absolutely no girls.

That made me panic, but not too much, it made me scared because I know teenage boys can be rude; the only one that's shown kindness is the blondie.

I covered my arms like I was cold, but really, I was nervous. My bottom jaw shook like I was cold as well, yet again, I wasn't cold, I was nervous and scared. And I hated where I was right now.

Others began jumping down into the box. The blondie held his hand out, grinning. "Names Newt, Greenie."

I nervously took it, feeling my cold skin against his and immediately pulled away; I didn't like touching other people, especially with my hands when they're cold like ice blocks; it just felt so odd to me.

Normal {A Newt TMR Fic}Where stories live. Discover now