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"You done?"

Unknown POV.

Ryu : 96... 97... 98... 99...

Ryu was currently doing push ups as he counted.

Ryu : One... Hundred!

Ryu jumps up from the floor and hops as sweat falls from his body.

Ryu : A hundred push ups, done. What's next?

Ryu takes out a note pad from his table and starts reading the content.

Ryu : 10km run...?

Ryu puts the notepad in his back pocket and wipes his sweat off with a towel and puts on a shirt.

Ryu : Time to go outside then.

He grabs his jacket and his headphones and walks out of his room and out of his house.

Ryu puts his jacket and the headphones as he starts stretching and looks at his phone to play a song.

Ryu : No... No... No... Oh, found it!

Ryu presses play and the music starts playing in his headphones as he starts running while humming the song.

Ryu : We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I~

Ryu : A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy~

.... Sometimes I just wanna kill Lukash...


Ryu was jogging as he continues to... Sing...

Ryu : Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you~

Ryu : Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you~

Ryu stops as he reaches infront of a very familiar convenience store.

Ryu : Eh, I reached here?

Ryu looks through the glass and saw Daniel doing side step excercise, and huffing and puffing out air

He takes his headphones off and starts to walk inside the store but before he reached, a phone call interrups him.

Ryu : Huh?

He answers the call.

Ryu : Hello?... Yeah, okay I'll be there.

Ryu ends the call and starts walking back towards his house as he thought.

Ryu : 'Eh, I'll meet him tomorrow.'

Ryu turns around and starts jogging his way home. But, what he didn't know was that, after he left the scene.

The angle changes as three dumbasses along with a girl was walking towards the store, while bickering.

~The next day~

Ryu : Gghrrrlllll!!!

Ryu was currently brushing his teeths as his eyes were half open and he had eye bags.

Ryu : 'Just couldn't sleep after workout... Fucking great...'

After brushing his teeths and taking a shower, he walks out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Ryu stretches as he goes inside his room and starts dressing up for school, while he gives a tired yawn.

Ryu : I hope the teacher won't see me napping...

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