Chapter 3: The Memverse

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(Previously on the Sonic/Splatoon Crossover...)

Shadow, Rouge, and Omega were transported to the mysterious City of Order. Where they found Pearl and Eight. But no sign of Marina. After a dangerous fight with the Agitando machine, Marina was saved. But soon after... the artificial intelligence known as Order emerged, and began his conquest on grayscaling the entire world.

(Back to the present...)

Shadow, Rouge, Omega, Pearl, and Marina were worried about Eight as she was knocked out during the fall from the spire. Pearl was back to her inkling body. Marina was shaking Eight to try and wake her up.

"Eight! Eight! Please be okay!" Marina said, worried.

"Nnn... what... what's going on?" Eight said, waking up.

"Oh, thank goodness, Pearl! Eight's woken up!" Marina said, in relief.

"Ow... my head." Eight said, placing a hand on her head.

"Good to see you're alright, Eight." Shadow said, with a smile.

"Eight! Thank you so much for freeing me." Marina said.

"No problem." Eight said. "Wait. Pearl, you're back to normal."

"Surprised to see me in the flesh? Marina worked some magic and BAM! I'm back, bay-bee!" Pearl said.

"I'm really, really sorry. It was the Dramatic Days in Orderland module that stuck you in drone form. And...did all the other stuff too." Marina said, opening up her laptop.

"Say what? 'Dramatic Days in...'?" Pearl asked, confused.

"Uh, right. Let me back up a bit." Marina responded, loading up something on her laptop. "This is the Memverse, it's a prototype VR...that is, a virtual reality that I made."

"Your virtual reality? Hold up! You're saying we've been in a fake place this whole time?!" Pearl said, in realization.

"That explains why our communicators are down." Rouge said.

"That's right. The only 'real' things in the Memverse are in our minds." Marina replied. "That fuzzy cloud we met was Order. It took control of me and caused the whole Memverse to go haywire. It's forcibly connected who-knows-how-many people to the Memverse. Their minds are all in here now."

"Which is how I got pulled into all this, I take it?" Acht asked, walking over.

"Acht...I'm so sorry. I never intended for you to get roped into my mess." Marina apologized.

"It's fine. We have other problems. Like what to do about the situation we're in." Acht said.

"Acht's right. We still have to stop Order and find a way out of this virtual reality we got stuck in!" Shadow said.

"You're absolutely right! We need to do something about Order." Marina said. "Order's ultimate goal is a colorless world of order. A place where nobody has a will of their own. They just do whatever they're told day in, day out."

"That sounds horrible." Rouge said.

"Order's using the Memverse to make the dream of that changeless world a reality." Marina explained.

"What's its beef with change? Actually, hold up. I thought the Memverse isn't real?" Pearl said, confused. "Even if it gets what it wants in the Memverse...who cares? The real world stays the real world, right?"

"Yeahhh, about that... Order is using what it calls 'Grayscaling' to neutralize the will of everyone that's trapped here." Marina explained.

"So if someone goes through Grayscaling here in the has an effect on the real person. That about sum it up?" Acht said.

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