Chapter 4: Re-climbing the Spire

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The Spire was now at the max of thirty floors, which means that this tower climb was going to be even longer than last time.

"Listen...the going might be tough ahead, but if we don't give up, I know we can make it." Marina said.

"You know it! Let's get this party started!" Pearl said, ready to get the show on the road.

"Don't worry about me. I'm in this to the end." Acht said.

"So are we." Shadow said.

"Hey! The Palette's all empty." Pearl said, in realization.

"Yeah, because all the color chips Shadow and Eight had got converted into Prlz. No color chips, no upgrades." Acht explained.

"Well, that's a pain." Rouge said.

"You also have fewer lives than you did before, guys." Marina said. "So be careful. If you lose all your lives, you'll be thrown out of the Spire and have to start all over again."

"Trust me, Marina. We're not getting thrown out on our first attempt." Shadow said.

"We'll see about that..." A deep low voice said, on the intercom.

(// Spire Tower: Floors 1F-9F //)

(*Timestamps, and hero targeting each floor below*)

*1F: 40:20; Shadow and Eight,
2F: 41:49; Rouge and Omega,
3F: 42:50; Eight and Rouge,
4F: 44:05; Shadow and Rouge,
5F: 45:50; Shadow and Omega,
6F: 47:41; Eight and Omega,
7F: 49:02; Shadow, Rouge, and Eight,
8F: 50:13; Shadow and Eight,
9F: 51:49; Rouge and Omega*

( /\ Dialogue after certain floors: /\)

(*Floor 5F*)

"Noice! We made it past 5F!" Pearl said.

"And we got Prlz for clearing it. The Spire is set up to give you some good bonuses if you can clear 5F." Marina said. "For example, if you get kicked out after that, you'll start with 500 Membux on your next run."

"That's a good plus to that downfall." Eight said.

"And there'll be a guaranteed Vending-Machine Corner on 5F where you can spend it." Marina said.

"A Vending-Machine Corner sounds like a great place to take a breather! Not that I breathe." Pearl said.

"It's worth your while to get past 5F on every run if can." Acht said.

"Definitely makes up past 5F. If it will let us skip that floor every time that is." Shadow said.

"Affirmative." Omega said.

"But don't stop there! Let's make this THE run where we reach Order and blast it to bits! You with me, guys?!" Pearl said.

"Yeah." Eight nodded. "Let's keep this going."

(*Floor 9F*)

"Heads up. There's something on the next floor way past anything you've fought so far. Brace yourselves." Acht said.

"If this Spire kept anything from my original design, then there should be a boss at 10F." Marina said.

"So we're in for a real fight, huh? Stay on your toes, guys, and don't push your luck!" Pearl said.

"We know." Shadow said.

(// Spire Tower: Floor 10F; Layered Rotator: Boss Fight //)

(*Timestamp: 53:35*)

'Shadow, Rouge, Omega, and Eight will all fight together in every boss battle.'

(After the fight...)

"Well... that takes care of that tower." Shadow said.

"Hey, look. That tower entity had a key." Eight said, picking it up.

"Huh." Rouge said. "Looks like you guys got another locker to open up once this is over."

"Let's get back to the elevator before things get worse." Pearl said.

Everyone went on back to the elevator, after their success in defeating the Layered Rotator. But what they didn't know is that they were being watched.

"You four got lucky the first time. But I promise you... you won't get past the next one so easily." The same dark voice said, in the darkness.

"Don't worry, master. They won't get far ahead." A low teen voice said, next to him. "Not as long as I hack into the tower's systems."

"Good." He said, before disappearing off in a puff of smoke.

Shadow and the others have made it past the first ten floors once again in the Spire. But there was still another twenty to go before they can reach Order and save their reality.

(End of Chapter 4)

(Publish date: 4/14/2024)

'Hey, guys. I'm sorry I took so long to get the next chapter up. I had gotten sick again, and I didn't have the motivation to write. But now I'm back. And I'm working as best as I can to get the next few chapters up.'

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