12| Skater

33 18 9

Past Katherine Alyk's POV

"The little kids look so funny when they fall," I laughed, "Though, I can not help but feel bad for them."

"Most of them were forced to come here by their parents," Micheal commented, "I mean, this is a mall. The ones that are alone are probably just here because their parents needed to do some shopping."

He began to skate in front of me, swizzling backwards while making eye contact with me. "Be careful, you might crash into someone," I said.

"I won't! You'll watch to see if anyone comes up behind me, right?"

"I mean, I would not want you getting killed on my birthday."

"That reminds me, happy birthday!" he exclaimed as he reached into his pocket. He handed me a small stone, "It's your birthstone, sapphire."

"I love it! Thank you so much!" He flashed me a smile so I smiled back. Whoosh! "Hey! Watch where you are going!"

I caught Micheal before he fell and he laughed, "I love ice hockey players but some of them act like they own the rink. We need to keep a closer eye on the little kids, I'm afraid that I'm not the only one that's falling today." I couldn't help but notice his pretty grey eyes. They were dark and I could probably feel myself melt into them if it wasn't so cold. "Any special plans for your birthday?" he asked.

"I will probably have dinner with my family at some nice restaurant. What is the English word for that thing where they cook on the table?"


"Yes! That."

"That sounds nice! But, why are you working on your birthday?"

"I wanted to see you! I love working with you."

He nervously laughed as he stopped skating, "I like working with you too."

"Is something wrong?"

"No, it's nothing."

"Come on, I know something is wrong."

"We're just co-workers, remember that."

"There is no need to be rude about it, Micheal. We've gotten closer lately, don't you think?"

"I'm taken."


"I'm in a relationship with someone."

"Come on, we both know that I'm probably better than her," I said as I took his hand.

He laughed again, "Yeah, no. I'd love for them to hear you say that in front of them."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I'm rejecting you."

"No, you are not."

I caused our blades to collide and caught him as he almost fell again. Before he could say anything, I kissed him.

"Katherine, what the hell was that for?" he pushed me away and fell.

"You know you felt something, Micheal," I said as lended him my hand.

He pushed my hand away, "You can't just kiss people, it's stupid and wrong. I literally just said I'm taken."

"Is something wrong with me? I mean, I do not think I am unattractive and I haven't said anything to hurt you."

"When I say this I mean it. I'd rather practise piano for twelve hours straight without playing a single note wrong than date you," he remarked as he got up.

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