3: Responsible Leader

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3rd person pov:

As keigo struts ahead. Touya smiles before reaching for his shoulder.

Tou:"Before the drink. We need to practice your swordsmenship."

Natsuo walks up from behind them.

Natsu:"Not to mention both of you are skipping class."

Natsuo grabs Touya's clothes and drags him away.

Tou:"Hey stop it! Don'tyouknow to respect your elders?!"

Natsu:"I would if you started acting your age. Now stop resisting. Do you want to piss off sensei?"

Touya stops fighting and shivers in fear. Then he slips out of his brother's grip to run ahead.

Tou:"We'll catch up after class. Go have some fun while you wait."

Natsuo gives chase after touya. Leaving keigo by himself.

Kei:"I guess going into town for a bit isn't gonna hurt."

Once keigo passes the gate guards. He heads straight for the art district. Where songs are played in the streets, poems are read aloud, and paintings are made and sold. It is there that the warrior paints in the back of a tiny hut. Selling his art, but not for profit. He uses the coin to pay for food. Taking it to families that are struggling and boosting support for the shogun.

As his hands move the brush against the canvas. Each brush stroke is delicate. As if fingers gliding on the skin of a lover. All his focus is on his art. As he draws his master holding the sun in his hands. Another piece is of a young blonde child shrouded in moon like reaching for the son. The third is of the sun and moon united in an embrace. Both trying to hide from the stars.

As keigo brushes the last stroke of his new art. Children stand outside to try and tell a story with the art.

"Long ago, the moon had no light of his own. Darkness surrounded him. As it was a lonely life in the cold of night. Then, light shined in the distance. As the moon reached out for help. The sun saw him, and also felt lonely. As the heat began to be too much. As both drew near. The stars were watching and told God about this. Commits were thrown to keep them apart. Yet it only fueled their love. The moon formed a shell to hide in with the commits. Hiding their love in the dark where no one could see."

Keigo reveals the new art. Causing the child to almost cry.

"God uses a maiden called earth to lure out the sun. As his light peeks out into space. God captures the sun. Taking him away from the moon. Once alone again. God locks the moon in potion to watch earth and sun be together. The moon pulls on the earth. Trying to save the sun, but God won't let it. The moon has one day a month cursed onto him. Where no light reaches him. A reminder of his place in the universe. The sun hates this and hatches a plan. For only one day every thirty years. The sun reunites with the moon. Their time is short. So they embrace and leave with a kiss. Casting a shadow on the earth during the day."

In the painting. The moon has a shooting star at his neck. Being pulled away from the sun. Yet even so. The moon smiles while hiding tears of stardust. A faceless woman holding the sun's hand as he leans away from her to plant a kiss on the cheek of the moon.

As Keigo hangs up the art. People start to bid, but these he doesn't want to part with. So the warrior hangs up other works. One of a cat walking on the ocean, another of brother's lovk8ng swords in battle. Yet everytime he tries to sell art. Only those of the story are bid on.

Kei:"Those are display pieces. Not for sell."

Hours have passed and touya steps passed everyone.

Tou:"So this is what you do when I'm not around."

In a panic. Keigo tries to hide his art. Only to drop one by Touya's feet. As his master picks it up. He sees the new one and smiles.

Tou:"Come along. We have training to do."

As keigo tries to grab the art. Touya pulls it away.

Kei:"Please give it back master."

Tou:"I'm keeping it. After all, i wanna be the first to see the ending of the story."

As they walk to the dogo. Keigo is embraced. Once at the dogo. They are given wooden swords to practice.

Tou:"If you can land a hit on me. I'll give back the art."

Keigo tries until the sun sets. That's when he collapse at his master's feet.

Tou:"Had enough?"

As touya turns his back to pick up the art. Keigo stumbles to his feet.

Kei:"one more try."

Tou:"No, I think it's best that we stop here.

Tou:"You haven't noticed yet, but you haven't eaten all day. Your body is about to cause an injury unless we stop here. Now let's go home and eat. You can always try again tomorrow."

Kei:"You're on."

As they walk back. Keigo hears both of their stomachs growl. Then he sees his master shaking.

Kei:"We're both idiots. Skipping meals to have fun."

As both begin to laugh together. Two people talk in town.

"So when will the attack happen?"

"During the wedding of the young lord."

"How do you want it done?"

"Trap them in fire, and slaughter those that try to escape. Be sure the samuri takes the blame. He is the only one to servive."

As a man with a oni mask walks out of the alley counting coins. Another man dressed in nice clothes with long black hair walks back to the castle. Once inside. He goes to see enji.

Enji:"How was he Aizawa?"

Aiz:"Your son touya actually put in effort in his studies today."

As touya and keigo eat with smiles on their faces. Telling jokes and having fun. Aizawa bites his lip in anger.

Aiz:^Things are about to change forever.... once spring comes.^

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