9: Red Streets And Dead Dreams

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3rd person pov:

Once off the boat. Keigo hands the boatmen a rice ball as thanks. Then, he follows the map. It leads him through town. As the street lamps begin to grow dim. He looks up to see to a sight he wasn't expecting. His gaze drops to his feet as he tilts his hat down.

Kei:^Looks like I was fooled into giving his daughter a customer.^

Women and men are lining the streets of the red light district. Once keigo gets to the location. He blushes before entering.

Kei:"He was kind enough to help me this far. So I'll trust he has good intentions."

Momo:"Welcome to the midnight palace. Where if you have a dream. We've got what it takes to make it a reality. Please sit with our ladies before you decide. Each has a unique talent to offer."

Kei:"I'm looking for someone. Have you seen jiro around? I have two letters for her. Both are from her father."

Momo:"Please wait while I go get her."

Keigo stands in the greeting room. As ladies try to convince hum to sit. Keigo keeps his eyes shut and stands furm.

Kei:"Please forgive my rudeness, ladies. I'm not interested in such activities."

The lady of the house walks in and gropes his crotch.

Mid:"Every man has a dream. So tell me-. Ladies, he's not bluffing. This one is a specialist of his tool."

Midnight waves for keigo to follow her. When he does. Keigo is lead into a hallway with multiple rooms. Each door has a window for training new workers.

The first room has a man over a lap of a larger man. The shy looking male is being spanked by a muscular blonde with blue eyes.

Mid:"Why have you come here?"

Kei:"I was offered help. In exchange I was to deliver letters to one of your girls. I mean no one ill will. Only help with my injuries and a place to hide. After I'm better. I can handle a job of discretion. As I cannot stay in one place for too long."

Mid:"Show me your scars. Only after seeing them will I make my decision."

The second room has a well-dressed masked man holding ropes to suspend another off the floor. The man in shibari has stitches on his forehead.

Keigo enters the third room. Once midnight is in the room with him. She shuts the door. Keigo gets on his knees and sets his weapons by his side.

Kei:"May I ask for your eyes only? It's.... a delicate matter."

Midnight stands to block the windo view.

Mid:"Show me your forehead first. Then I'll consider it."

Keigo takes off his hat and headband. When he lifts his head. She is stunned by what she sees.

Mid:"You are free to hide it once more. I don't need to see any more. A fallen warrior accused of a crime he didn't do. I'll house for as long as I can. Please stay here. I'll get jiro for you."

As midnight gets up to leave. Keigo covers his forehead and bows to her with gratitude. He then turns his back to the door, but not before putting the letters by the door. When he hears them slide open. He closes his eyes.

Kei:"I left them by the door."

As jiro takes the parchment. She smiles softly.

Kei:"Your father regrets sending you hear. He plans on selling the farm to buy you out. So be patient."

Jiro:"Did you read them?"

Kei:"I was there when he wrote them."

She nods and leaves the warrior alone. Not long after. A male enters the room. He is wrapped in Bandages and has a kit to help Keigo's injuries heal.

Mid:"This is our guard, and apothecary. He'll help tend to you. You may speak freely as he can't tell anyone what you say."

Keigo begins to strip. That's when midnight sees the deep scars on his back and chest. Some from battle and others from lashes. So the lady of the house leaves them alone.

"Hold your arms out for me."

Kei:"Wait, I thought you were-"

"Mute? No. I'm ordered to stay out of sight from those with power. Banished to this place."

Kei:"Who ordered that?"

"Nothing you need to get involved with. Now, unwrap your arms for me."

As keigo does so. The Bandaged man sees tatoos. Two l8nes that wrap around to form a band. By his elbow are two more smaller lines that go down.

"Kyoto? What did you steal?"

Kei:"The life of my master."

When keigo takes off the headband again. The man's eyes widen at the tatoo of  symbol for love.

Kei:"Most have dog if they kill more than four people, but I was branded with love as a joke. They claimed I killed him because I was assigned a new master. That I loved him enough to kill him. That if I couldn't have him. No one would."

Keigo clinches his fists tight and begins to tremble.

Kei:"If I had only stood by his side."

The man poors keigo a cup of tea.

"This'll relax you. So that you may sleep well tonight. With a bruised rib and five broken. I'm placing you on bed rest for awhile."

As the man grabs his things. Keigo dr8nks the tea before laying down.

Kei:"What is your name?"

The man stops in his tracks for a moment to respond.

"I have none to call mine anymore."

As he leaves the room. Midnight smiles softly. Only for the man to glare at her when he passes. After putting everything back. He heads to his room. It's in the basement. Without windows to let in light and just early enough room to lay down in. The man enters to rest for the night. When he shuts the metal door. It locks behind him. Leaving his room to be a prison.

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